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Well Aw'll Be Durned!

Lady Kopaka


Oh my goodness! Oohhh....mmyyyy....gooodnesss.....*Goes into shock*


Aanchir paid for a LIFETIME membership for me, I mean....wow....


Seriously, this past few weeks I really haven't been in the best mood because of life issues and stuff, (I've really tried my best to contain my emotions though so you guys don't start to worry or anything though) so this is basically what happened, I get on the computer stuff'n my mouth with cereal then I see lots of PMs, so I go to check em...and look! There is a PM from dear ol' Nikira. I check it and she said I had just become an OBZPC and saying congrats and stuff. So I literally choke on my cereal and almost spit on the screen. XD

So dreadfully confused and wondering if this was some little joke (Though I know Niki wouldn't do that, so that wouldn't have worked out) I go to see my profile...and there it was all in orange and bold:


Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens


So ZOMG! I'm so happy and hyper. 8D


I mean, part of me feels like I don't deserve this, but I am super grateful for getting it so I wouldn’t trade it in for the world.


So yes, thank you very much Mr. Aanchir and now, just like Mizz Nikira suggested, we woman shall now go own all the OBZPC guys. Yeee haaaaw!


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You've only been a member since October 05 and you're already a POBZPC? Wow, congratulations. I've been a member since 2003 and even I don't quite have full proto. >.<


yay LK ^^

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Congrats, Lady K, Congrats. I've been on for four years and am still at the beginning as far as Proto is concerned.




I had to do that :P .



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Congrats! You now command a great deal of respect.


Congrats on OBZPC-ship! But man, Aanchir, talk about NICE. You're a god.


I wouldn't say hes a god, but he definetly is a

noble person.

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Congrats on OBZPC-ship! But man, Aanchir, talk about NICE. You're a god.


Don't exaggerate. After all, I had missed her blog as well! :P


And Lady K, there's no need to repay me. 'Twas a gift. :)


- :vahi:

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...and now, just like Mizz Nikira suggested, we woman shall now go own all the OBZPC guys. Yeee haaaaw!




*high-five of awesomeness*


Well, congrats again, m'lady, and a big ol' thanks to Aanchir for getting you that Lifetime PMship! :D


*still needs to get her PMship Lifetimeified*



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My parents were thinking of getting me a lifetime membership, but then we decided to just do one year, and see if I still like it after that. :rolleyes:


Anyway, congrats! =D


...Wait, all of the females are taking over?! When did this happen?! :fear:



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