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*quits Mocing*



Here is a list of unfinished multi-MOC projects:


1. Project Barraki / 90% complete.


2. Project Mech / 25% complete.


3. The KMR Project / 30% complete.


4. Demons / 25% complete.


5. Taking ref pics of Kunu Leke / 0% complete.


6. Designing and building the Toa Komo / 5% complete.


7. Making Hapori Tohu, V2 / 95% complete.


8. Posting TSO remake.


9. Building my last PBZP / 0% complete.


10. Ugh... making the Matoran of Komok... / 5% complete.


As you can see... I have alot going on at once. When I take ref pics of Kunu Keke, and finish and take pics of Project Barraki, and finishing up HT... I'll be taking a break. I'll rebuild my sets... take ref pics of my WIPs... and all that jazz. Poor Demons William and Lily and Grimlin will be put on hold... :(


Don't worry, I'll be around. I'm just getting swamped in unfinished projects...




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How did Seran change his name back so fast?

TMN... I have little or no clue what, how, who or when you are talking about.

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:( That's a shame, you're one of the best MOCists on BZP.

Silly Shine, I'm not leaving for good. Just a month or so break... once I post Project Barraki. And maybe, during the break, I'll post my TSO redo that I took pics of.

Heh, I'll take some of your backloggage if you want; I have only three things in the works.



No thanks. I want to do these things myself...



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