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Neighborhood Patrol

General Poks


Today I am here to discuss a serious matter that is affecting people across the globe...


I am of course talking about: Mixmaster Syndrome or MMS for short.


They're on your streets, disguising themselves as your friendly neighborhood cement trucks...


However... What really lies beneath the hood of that harmless construction vehicle?








If you happen to see one of these machines on the street, you may be temped to smash the Karzahni out of the L1 or L2 button, however, they're JUST TO BIG!


So now you may be tempted to bust out some karate moves buy smashing the square button, however, they're JUST TO BIG!


Now, what you need to do is this... Pick up a table or other large object and throw it at them. They should topple right over because they're JUST TO BIG!


We are organizing neighborhood watches across the nation, we are only interested in your safety.


So remember, if you see a cement truck.


Smash it with a brick and pop it's tires.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have to write some cheques for the construction company for destroying their equipment.....


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Yeah, the video game is so fun. I love to pick them up while they're down, then throw em as far as I can. :lol:

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