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Crimson Jester


As you can, see, I've added quite a few new things to the Blog. Its now set up like a computer data file for the Jesterland Defence Center, a National Guard-esque thing.


The first new feature, Jester File, is a profile of myself, full of data errors and such. :P


The second is the Jesterland Defence Force's Code of Honor, which is fairly straight-forward.


The third feature is definitely the coolest. Its a club I've started called the Jesterland Defence Force. 'What is it?', you may ask. Its a small group I've added for the fun of it. Some of the features you get by joining are a spot in the Jesterland Defence Force roster, featured in my Blog, a custom Jester File and File Number for you to add to your profile, a name-customized Jesterland Defence Force Member seal for your blog, and a chance to be on the Member Spotlight! If any of these interest you, click the link there and send me a PM entitled "Jesterland Defence Force".


Anyways, back to business.


Today my foot is still swollen and bruised, but I did manage to walk about five blocks and grab an energy drink. Otherwise, again, I'm completely bored, so if you happen to come across this entry, PM me, or add me up on MSN or AIM.


Until next time, BZP.




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