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Bionicle: The Future's Future Looks Dark



Okay, I'm gone from tomorrow, and will return on Thursday. When I get home, I will finish my series final, and get working on Bionicle: The Future. I've had this project for a long time, but now, the future of The Future (:P) looks... dark. I've lost many readers over the last epic, which makes me think that maybe I don't write good enough epics.


This of course, makes me feel kinda sad, and maybe I'll just scrap Bionicle: The Future and just go back to be an ordinary member which does nothing more than to post and tell bad jokes. :P Maybe nag on the staff too. :P


Maybe, at the end of the summer holidays, I will try to improve my style of writing, and try to make my epics more appealing to readers.


Still, nothing is decided, and this blog entry was the only option I had to get this out to the people. Not that anyone is interested in listening to my mad rantings, but it's worth a shot. So, if you like the sound of Bionicle: The Future, please, take time to read my stories and tell me what I can do better. It would both help me and the readers. Thanks for your time if you're reading this.

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No, your epics are great, the only reason people don't read epics anymore is probably cause they cannot be bothered


Maybe Bionicle: The Future is a more appealing title that Bionicle Legends. :P



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