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Okay, in my last entry, I was madly ranting about the future of my newest epic. I thought that if you guys got to see a piece of the epic, maybe you'll be more eager to read it. Without further ado, here it is. It's the prologue of it.


The last thing the inhabitants of Metru Nui saw was a bright light. Of course did it create different opinions. Some thought that doom had come. Some even thought that the sun was shining bright. But for the ones that was at the center of the light, knew that it was neither. It was quite the opposite of doom coming. It was the best day the world had ever seen in years. Mata Nui had been awakened, and evil had been rid of the universe. But one thing that the inhabitants of the universe didn’t know, was that the one who made all this possible, was no longer in this world. He was, theoretically, in this universe, only further into time. The only problem is, there’s no way back.

This being is Toa Inika of Fire; Jaller. He was going to seal the Makuta of Metru Nui into the Prison of the Eternals, but instead, he had killed him, and with the last power he could muster, he had opened a portal into time, and sucked Jaller into it. He is now trapped into the future, where everything had gone bad. There are unsolved mysteries here, one of which is why the universe hasn’t come to an end, when Mata Nui is dead?

When Jaller wakes up, he finds out he is lying strapped to a table. The room he’s in is dark, and he can barely see. To his horror, he sees a large needle over him. The needle comes further and further down, until it is inserted in his arm, and he screams in agony. He then faints again.


Light has forsaken everyone. The darker side of everyone is unleashed. Welcome to the Future.


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