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Lol Wut?



I am Slota. Bow down to me!


If you didn't, you're probably not alone. Im not sure if anyone besides Kame bowed down.



Anyways, I am Slota. 12 years old, and as far as I know, insane. My interests includes candy and my dislike include socks. I am a gamer, or, more presisely, a Nintendo fan. As for music, I like msot types of music, witht he exception of: Techno, and country. I do not like nor dislike rap. Im also a Gorillaz fan. Dunno, I just like their music.


As for manga/anime, my favorites are:

1. Deathnote


3. Naruto

And for future reference, I hate Bobobo Bo-Bobobo (or wherever all the Bos go) with a passion. I've rarely come across an anime that I can't stand watching, but that is definately one of them.


And that's all I have to say for now. I know, Im a boring person. You can tell me that by commenting. Send in all your aproval seals by comments too. :)


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