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Of Games And Books



It's been an eventful few days around the Bink househould. On Saturday, my wife's brother found a lone Wii console for sale, so he picked it up for us. We met up with him, paid him for it, and got it home and plugged it in. The boys in the household have spent some time bowling, golfing, playing baseball and tennis. And getting sore shoulders (well, at least mine are sore).


All that, and Harry Potter is in the house. A cute little box from Amazon showed up on the doorstep on Saturday, printed with the note: "Muggles - do not open before July 21st!" You'd almost think this was popular or something.


We got three books.


I've read the first five, but haven't had a chance to read the last two. With things being so busy, it'll be a while before I can get to it. But it's looking like I might have some more free time starting in a couple of months, so maybe I'll crack them then. Personally, I prefer Tolkien, but I understand the allure of the HP books. It's hilarious to see my kids (and wife) with their noses buried in the same book. At least it's been quiet around the house - except when the Wii is on.


UPDATE: I took my old 'cube in to see if I could get some doh-ray-me for it, and they said sure... $10.


$10 stinkin' dollars???


Apparently there's a glut of GameCubes (go figure) now that people are upgrading to Wii. I understand that, but... c'mon, that's what, 7% of the "new" price? That's ridiculous.


Heck, I'll keep it, and maybe give it away as a birthday gift or something. Sheez.


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If your looking for a good Wii game then you have to get Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. And if you want to have some fun get Rayman Raving Rabits.



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If your looking for a good Wii game then you have to get Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. And if you want to have some fun get Rayman Raving Rabits.



I'm taking my old GameCube in to sell tonight, and will probably pick up Zelda. And another pair of nun chucks.

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I just got finished reading HP7 this morning (after having picked it up at the Barnes and Nobel midnight party). I thought it was a good--if slightly superfluous-- end to the saga.


I've had a Wii since my birthday of this year (4/9) and I still don't have too many good games for it. In fact REmake, for the Gamecube, has been played on it for longer periods of time than any of the Wii games I own (not that that's a bad thing--I can't think of any Wii games that are as good as REmake).

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I have a Wii, too. My games for GC and Wii are what you would call weird... but Animal Crossing: Population: Growing (for GC) is the best video game ever (can't wait for AC Wii).


I got Harry Potter 7 at the party at midnight. I started at 12:30 pm and I finished at 6:20 PM the same day. And I played Animal Crossing: Wild World (for DS) for maybe half an hour when I had about 100 pages left.



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Don't sell used consoles (unless it is from the newest generation) at game shops. They love to give you nothing for your stuff. Find a friend or put it on ebay, you'll get a lot more.
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