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What I've Done



In my last entry, I mentioned that I had a fairly major purchase in the works. Well, everything worked out jsut fine in the last few days...which means I can officially annouce: I got a new car.



Over the winter, my poor little Acura started to show it's age. Requiring numerous jumps and eventually a whole new alternator and exhaust system, I thought maybe it could hold out for at least another year. Well, that was not the case. Over the past month, it's started to have problems getting started. This is probably in part due to the higher than usual heat in Minnesota, however its this type of temperature intolerance that left me concerned for the first winter in which I would have needed to rely on it to get to work.


It's a 2008 Dodge Avenger SXT, brand spankin' new. And as I've come to learn in the last few years, blue is truly my favorite color. I had heard a few suggestions from friends and family (mostly Calibur, 300, Sebring, and Avenger). When I saw this on the lot, I fell in love. Like Bernie Mac told Shia Lebouf, "The car chooses the driver."


Well, this baby was calling my name. So after a hectic week of picking out the features, working out the loan, and finally getting the model I wanted delivered to the nearby dealer, I was able to drive it off the lot Saturday afternoon (after picking up Deathly Hallows of course). I'll miss my little Integra, which will be sitting in my dad's garage until my sister comes down for college in a few years. Hopefully he'll take good care of it while it waits for it's next driver. It's been around since '87, and will hopefully serve her well while she finishes up school and gets a car of her own. It'll be a sad day when it finally succums to it's age.


Recommended Comments

It'd be cool if you could use Photoshop to make an actual car.


...that's all the thoughts I got out of this entry, sorry. :P

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