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So, It's Storming Out



Well, not really anymore. It's passed. Kinda. Anyway, woo, weather!


I checked the weather online...I noticed on the weather.com page, the radar map says 'click to interact'...I was sorely disappointed when I found that you couldn't REALLY interact with it. My attempts to move rain clouds to specific places (Take that, Topeka!) were foiled immediately.


But it wasn't all bad. As you can see, it did result in ideas for blogging.


I love how the "chance of rain" forecast works. Being a meteorologist is the easiest job in the world - and yes, I've researched this, I'm not just poking fun at meteorologists...I love you guys, don't send meteors at my house - it's the easiest job in the world, because you can just say whatever for the chance of rain.


Why? Because it's chance. You can give a 99% chance of rain happening, and if it doesn't, you can be like "Wow, the wacky weather defied all odds!". Just pick a number from 1 to 99...you CAN'T be wrong.


Also, the "current weather" update is useless in my opinion. I turned on the TV and the weatherman was like "It is raining out right now." I looked outside, and GUESS WHAT, HE WAS RIGHT. HE'S LIKE A NATURE PSYCHIC OR SOMETHING.




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My uncle is a weatherman, and he just tells everyone what the National Weather Service says. It is easy.
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The "click to interact" link doesn't work for you? I was the one who made it rain there in the first place! (Mua ha ha.) Actually, that option is supposed to be for meteorologists, but I stole Tom Skilling's username and password.


~ :h: :t:

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