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What A Couple Of Weeks...



The forums are back online.


Here's the scoop. Apparently, the server we were on was having hardware issues. It kept eating database entries, so randomly topics or messages or members or posts were disappearing. Then, the blogs started to not show up, and longer posts. And then everything went kablooey.


Well, it took some time to get through to our hosting company, and then it took some more time for them to narrow things down, and then it took time to get back to us, and then it took time for us to figure out our options - which weren't pretty - and then it took more time...


So, in the long run, we ended up migrating to a bigger, better server. This is important for several reasons.

  • First, it (hopefully) fixed the immediate problems of things not showing up
  • It cleaned up our file structure a bit and got us spic-n-span on the server level
  • We now have a bigger hard drive (250GB instead of dual 80GB drives)
  • We have a faster server (dual 3.0GHz Xeon rather than dual 2.4GHz Xeon)
  • Most importantly (to me), we have twice as much RAM: 4GB now rather than 2GB
This last one is something I've wanted for a long time. That, along with the bigger hard drive, allows us the opportunity for more features on BZP, and who knows... maybe even restoring the Search function for everyone. We'll have to see.


I know it's been rough for everyone, not having BZP available. It took a toll on me, certainly. And during the downtime, there have been some changes (which will become more obvious in the next few days). From my perspective, though, it's all good.


But there's still a lot of surprises in store for this week. I don't think anyone will see them coming. I just wish I could see your faces when it all bubbles up to the light of day.


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Nice binky very nice. You finally got that server upgrade that I have been asking for. It just took a mass catastrophe to make you do it.


But you know there is always something better.... *cough*mediatemple.com/webhosting/nitro/*cough*


but anyways hope these surprises are good.


You know bink I am just an email away to help you out.

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Nice binky very nice. You finally got that server upgrade that I have been asking for. It just took a mass catastrophe to make you do it.


But you know there is always something better.... *cough*mediatemple.com/webhosting/nitro/*cough*

Price, price, price. The reason the server upgrade was held back to begin with. I don't think we're going to be springing 750 a month anytime soon for our hosting.

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Nice binky very nice. You finally got that server upgrade that I have been asking for. It just took a mass catastrophe to make you do it.


But you know there is always something better.... *cough*mediatemple.com/webhosting/nitro/*cough*

Price, price, price. The reason the server upgrade was held back to begin with. I don't think we're going to be springing 750 a month anytime soon for our hosting.

yeah yeah I know. 750 is a bit much. But that is an amazing plan. I just hope project akashi will bring in enough money to support that.

Just think though. With that much power, BZP would never be down.

But I understand the price situation.

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Good job on Bringing back the forums Bink. :D (And anyone else who helped...)

I wonder what these "surprises" are anyway....



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I looked at Media Temple again, but it's just not for us.

Maybe someday. But I can round up a few good alternatives for you it case another cataclysm happens again.

I just don't trust your current host. Maybe its cause I love virtual servers.


Well any way excuse my randomness. I think this surver should support BZP for awhile.

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