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... Wow.



Wow, do I have a lot to say. Let me summarize it: I did a ton of stuff, had fun. Then my grandfather from Ohio came to visit, and he left yesterday after being here since Thursday. And it was GREAT seeing him again. We had a ton of fun. Also, today in Salem I discovered the Vallahalla of geekdom: A HUGE comic book store with SO MANY THINGS... OH MAN, I EVEN FOUND ISSUES ONE AND TWO OF THE JHONEN VASQUEZ COMIC 'I FEEL SICK'. RIGHT NEXT TO ORIGINAL ISSUES OF JOHNNY THE HOMICIDAL MANIAC AND THE BAD ART COLLECTION. HOLY CLUMP OF MUPPETS. I mean, seriously, my mom and I went to Salem to shop coz we saw some cool little stores when we were visiting on Saturday (with my awesome grandfather, of course), and we found this place by accident. If any of you people live in New England and near Salem, go there and search for a place called 'Harrison's' or something like that, maybe 'Harrison's comics'. IT IS HEAVEN. Compilations, action figures, knicknacks, issues, graphic novels, issues from graphic novels, back issues of old comics, reprints of famous comics... I cannot believe it took me thirteen years to discover that this place existed.


And in other news, I didn't really mind BZP being down considering my conflicting multiple opinions on it. That and it's just a forum. However, this means that the blog privelages for all the members has been extended. Oh, the horror.

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