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Yay, Bzp Are Back. ^^



Wow that was a long time :blink:


Well I updated the Lyg comic, and I am also curious about the revival rules concerning the week-and-a-half hiatus. If the topics could not have been posted in for 11 days, it's not exactly fair to close them then, is it? But on the other hand, it's a lot of trouble for mods to figure out the date discrepancies...


Now that the forum's back, I feel more obligated to finish that chapter of Makuta Rehersals I've been working on. I think I'll definitely start a new topic after I finish this one off at 150 chapters... been a good run, *sigh*...


As for other stuffs, well, I don't have full Maya, but I have the Personal Learning Edition with a lot of limited features and a huge ugly watermark, my dad says if it turns out to be worth it he'll buy the full version...


I swear for months afterward I'm going to be comparing everything to New York... :P


OH THAT REMINDS ME BZP -was- still down when my sister's birthday party happened, wasn't it? I think so... but anyway, lots of fun. =D Someone got her an iDog, lol. Had a Spider-Man skin, because my sister loves Spider-Man. Unfortunately, it's the same reason boys like Spider-Man, not the reason girls do... alas...


My sister has a friend called Charlie who seems to know everything. It's kinda hilarious, you keep hearing her say "Well Charlie says _____" and "Nooo! But Charlie does _____!"


Wow I got off-track. The point I was originally making was that at my sister's party (Charlie was invited, that was why I mentioned him, it came to mind :P ) we had hot dogs, and I kept thinking "wow, a buck and a quarter, get one from a vendor a block away, a ton better than this..." and then my parents bought lemonade for the party and of course there was leftover after the party so I was drinking it, and I'm like "wow, a buck from one of those delis on Amsterdam, a lot better than this." And then I get an Italian Ice from this Italian restaurant in our neighborhood for 2 bucks, and I'm like "wow, I got a scoop more of much better Italian ice for half the price outside a Famiglia's."




Wow, why did I categorize this under BZP? I suppose that was my original intention...


Er... Huzzah for BZP being back...!




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Check the Autodesk website. It's 7 grand all right. I asked our instructor about it, and he says that the companies that use it, to them 7000 is pocket change, they buy it once, get all the features, install it on the network, and the entire company's employees have it, y'know?


EDIT: or rather, it doesn't seem to be directly on the site, google "Autodesk Maya" maybe with an 8.5 at the end, it'll come up.

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Er? I mean, like, a network, you know? Like a local one... like a company one... like they didn't buy 40 copies of Maya for all the computers in the Columbia lab, they bought one, and when you log onto the network it has it.


I dunno, I dunno much about computers, but it works.

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