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(N.B. As the Bloggies can attest, the original title for this entry was "Aiiieeeee!" I changed it because I figured I'd get more views this way.)


Anyway, tons of stuff happened lifewise while BZP was down.


Perhaps most importantly, I and seven other TFOLs have formed our own Lego design site, on which we shall showcase our models. I need to check if I'll be allowed to link to it, but if I can, it'll probably replace Brickshelf as my primary image hosting site.Also, I just passed 3000 posts posting all the space MOCs I built during the downtime. If you want to see them, just go to my profile. Lazy Arpy doesn't want to link to four different topics. In the real world, I went camping at Birch Bay State Park with both sides of my extended family (the first time that's ever happened). In addition to two of my cousins flirting with each other (NO redneck jokes. They're from opposite sides of the family, mkay?), which was weird, I sang "Yoda" and the Lumberjack Song to great acclaim at the campfire. I also got a rather awful sunburn at the nearby waterslide park. Then I started, like, molting. My skin started peeling off, and I lost most of the tan I had acquired on my back. Owch.Oh, and I got a FREE laptop from one of my many aunts. Of course, it runs Windows 95 and has no means of transferring files other than a floppy drive, but now I can actually write stories whenever the mood strikes me without fear of interruption or whiny siblings or whatever. My new new goal in life is to go to Point Roberts, WA.Also, we ("we" meaning Subdistrict 3 Slave Labor Force AKA the offspring of our tyrannical dictator parents) are helping to remodel the master bedroom. New carpet, new paint, new shades, etc.I'll be starting Driver's Ed in a couple weeks. *dies* It's like, really strict. If I arrive more than five minutes late for a class, then I shall be whipped, drawn, quartered, and my entrails will be scattered to the four corners of the state. Something like that.In the realm of material acquisition, my Wal*Mart finally got the Mahri in stock. No Titans or Lesovikk yet, but I picked up Hewkii and Nuparu. I also got my awesomeful BZP bricks in the mail. Finally, although I have retained blogging capabilites for two weeks longer than I might have hoped (I told you Bink wubs my blog), it is time at last for me to take a break from blogging. This will be my last entry for the next two months, so there are a couple things I must set in order before I take my leave:

1. NWBrickCon 2007:

Despite the fact that I will be unable to attend the whole convention until I am at least eighteen, it is my hope that I will be able to make it to the public expo on Saturday. For those of you who read this blog and plan on being there as well, I'll be the kid with the black Lego Star Wars II T-shirt and (if I can gimmick it onto my shirt without ruining anything) a BZP brick with my screen name attached.

2. Shameless plug for my story:

Look for a story by me to appear in the Epics forum. This is my first try at an epic in three years, and my second time writing something in the first person. I'll be taking my Bionicle alter-ego out for a spin, so it will probably have his name somewhere in the title.


May the Møøse be with you.




Original Date: 8|10|07


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Dude, if I knew of a cinnamon-colored noble Kanohi Matatu out there, I'd make sure you could have it on a badge: I put my namesake (so to speak), a light grey noble Kanohi Rau, on my badge for BrickFests.


-KIE, who will miss this blog.

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My aunt gave me a 95 laptop last year. It's alright, I suppose. A great plus for mine is that I got the internet able to run on it. A BIG downside is that the battery doesn't hold at all.


-Nukora, who will also miss this blog

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ChocolateFrogs: I'd like to put that in the Uniblock, but I can't edit it now that I'm no longer Premier. It'll have to wait until October.

KIE: If I knew of a cinnamon-colored Matatu somewhere, I would most certainly have it in hand. Fortunately, I have a few other things designed to make my IRL form recognizable, namely an orange Pantsbot and 1 x 1 tiles with my screen name on them. Perhaps I'll put my Lego sigfig on as well..

Nukora: Yeah, I have the battery problem, too. Another big minus is that, unlike you, I have no Internet access.



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