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So last night I was drawing (read last entry) and was noticing more and more acutely the lack of flesh-like colored pencils I had and was becoming slightly more irritated with each color I had to substitute for the missing skin tones. As it was late I figured that I would talk to mom about it in the morning, knowing that the library we would be visiting was within stones throw of the best art store this side of town. (Of course, that last little bit is just my opinion...I love that place. ^.^)


So morning came as it always does and surprisingly I had forgotten about my plan to visit the art store. However, a quick glimpse of my drawing soon reminded me of my lack of flesh-appropriate colors and I was soon asking mom about possibly taking a quick detour on our way home from the library. She gave me the most surprised look as she answered, "On the day before your birthday? No I don't think that will be possible."


*Sigh* I wish there was some button that would allow you to skip the week before your birthday, at least for my family. We have this rule that a couple weeks before a person's birthday, that person isn't allowed to buy anything for him/herself. Usually I don't have a problem with this rule until the last 5 or so days, where everything starts to bombard me from every shelf, screaming at me to buy whatever it is even though it has no practical use in my life whatsoever. Strangely, this bazaar phenomenon didn't take place until last night as I was examining the various pencils on my desk. *Another sigh* Aw well, at least I didn't think about buying pencils a week before my birthday. That would have driven me mad. All I have to do now is wait until Saturday. That isn't so bad.




I did however draw a dragon to eat every week before my birthday for the next 20 years...




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