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The Itemry

Tufi Piyufi


Below is a large chunk of the text from my post in the official Pokemon topic. The list is the same, but some of the 'buffer' text around it is cut or altered, just because it flows better that way.


Understand that I love the Underground. Also understand that I have a ton of Combees. If you remember these two points, the rest of the post runs like the smoothest water in the sleekest stream.


In my time in the Underground, I have uncovered many items. Stones of all hues, rocks in varying forms, Heart Scales... Oh cripes, the Heart Scales. I have a ton of them. You really don't want to know how many. Just know that I can hook you up.


When not underground, I will also spend some of my time as a Pokemon breedeuse, as the French so wouldn't say. Why, there was this one time when I was trying to get a female Combee when I kept getting male after male after male... I wound up with almost twenty spare male Combees in the end. I really don't need that many. I can spare them.


Therefore, I bring offerings.


What I Have



19 male Combees - all L. 1 - varying natures (if you really have any specific request, let me know)

14 female Igglybuffs - all L. 1 - varying natures (specify if desired)

-2 have Sing, Charm, Perish Song

-9 have the above plus Water Pulse

-3 have Sing, Charm, Water Pulse

2 male Igglybuffs - both L. 1 - natures below:

-Timid Igglybuff has Sing, Charm and Water Pulse

-Gentle Igglybuff has the above plus Perish Song

All Igglybuff are named 'Doompuff' - this is not negotiable!



(quantity ranges from 'very few' to 'Heart Scale')


King's Rock - very few

Leaf Stone - few

Fire Stone - tons

Thunder Stone - tons

Water Stone - very few

Sun Stone - a bunch

Moon Stone - very few

Dusk Stone - very few

Dawn Stone - very few

Shiny Stone - very few

Smooth Rock (extends Sandstorm) - very few

Damp Rock (extends Rain Dance) - very few

Icy Rock (extends Hail) - few

Heat Rock (extends Sunny Day) - few

Claw Fossil - very few

Skull Fossil - a bunch

Helix Fossil - few

Heart Scale - oh cripes do not ask me how many Heart Scales I have


Stuff I Really, Really Wouldn't Mind Getting In Return













Items: (not necessary, but they are nice)



Dubious Disk


The way it works is you choose a Pokemon, and then you choose the item that you want. You PM me and tell me what you're willing to toss my way in exchange for this. At some point, we reach an accord, codes are exchanged if this is the first transaction, and at that point...


... oh, the caveat. Seeing as how my wireless access is not actually within my home, I can't just fire it up and start the trade right away. Therefore, not only will trading times be restricted to between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM Pacific, but we have to decide exactly when we go about the whole thing. This will be part of the barter banter, but just a heads up.


Different Pokemon to come whenever I feel like breeding a whole bunch up. Well? Anything up there interesting enought to PM me about? :D


Also, if you have anything in particular you'd like to see, just let me know. I'll see what can be done, but no guarantees.


Recommended Comments

All this post makes me want to do is make Pokemon plushes. But mostly that Slowpoke that I've been meaning to get started on for going on four years. Slowpoke.

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