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Great Being #1


I know it's a couple of days early but I cant get on much theses days as I'm busy. The reason I'm busy is that I have friends from Seatle over here (I live in Toronto). Anyway they leave Wedsday so and have been already fro 10 days. It's been fun. Then Friday I leave for Cuba with my (very hot ;)) friend and her familly. So you see why it's been hecktic for me and will continue to be. Anyway peace out.


GB #1 :infected:


Recommended Comments

Night Terror


Have a good time!


PS: Do you like her?


She's just a friend as I dont think my Girlfriend would like me cheating on her :P



Well, well, well. Gb's got a gal, does he? :P


No not really I just wanted to point that out :P


I can see why you've been busy. But between the time when your relatives leave and you leave, you need to be on the wiki as much as possible. I'm sure there are pages you have yet to put up.


Well I wont have much time for the Wiki as they leave Wendsday and I leave Friday.


But hope you have a good time in Cuba. Say hi to my folks while you're there (they live near Miami).

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