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Week 1 At Lego



Well, it’s officially announced: I’m the new webmaster for BIONICLE.com and BIONICLEstory.com. Specifically, my job title is “Internet Content Manager” for Product Group 3. That means in addition to BIONICLE, I’m also ultimately responsible for the LEGO Racers and LEGO Technic web sites. But there are others working on those sites, which takes a load off me – at least to start.


The new job involves much travel. I’m currently in Denmark, and will be attending meetings in Copenhagen and Connecticut. Since I’m still getting up to speed on everything, there’s not a lot I can tell you right now. My knowledge of what I can and can’t tell you is incomplete, so I will err on the side of caution and pretty much keep the ol’ piehole shut. But I can tell you this much: it’s coooooool. (As if you hadn’t guessed that.)


The weather is strange here… sunny one minute, raining hard enough to flatten small animals the next. I’m commuting by bike (thanks to once-and-future webmistress Leah’s loaner), which is fun but very different from the half hour of fighting traffic that I’m used to. My commute now is 2 minutes to one office, 15 to another. By bike. The food’s much better than what I’d anticipated… the last time I was here, I ran across some really weird dishes in the LEGO cantina that made my eyeballs water. So far, it’s all been good. The people I’m working with, to a person, are very nice and welcoming. I don’t think I’ve ever been in such enthusiastic surroundings.


Leah’s been very kind in showing me how to get around in Danish culture. On the surface, it’s not so different from anywhere else, but as with anything, it’s the details that’ll trip you up. For instance, you need to bring your own grocery bags to the store, or they’ll charge you half a buck for one. I still haven’t gotten used to grabbing bags before leaving for the store, so I’m starting to drown in bags. There are other differences, not the least of which is not speaking or understanding Danish. Fortunately, most people speak at least some English (or American, in my case).


Thanks to everyone who’s sent well wishes, I really appreciate it. It’s odd not being a BZP staff member – almost as odd as being a LEGO employee with my own badge and email address. And the last week has been pretty intense in a lot of ways, just learning the Way of the Brick.


Unfortunately, I won’t be answering any questions about what I’m actually doing, since I’m not fully up to speed on the community interaction rules. All storyline info will still come via Greg, who of course knows more than just about anyone about it. And he also knows what info can be shared at any given time. I mean, my brain’s still awash with everything that’s been stuffed into it over the last week, and I might accidentally let out something that shouldn’t see the light of day, like when… wait wait wait, that’s what I mean, I can’t say anything. Phew, almost blew it there.


But this job’s everything you can imagine it would be, and more.


I’m very lucky to have this opportunity, and am really looking forward to helping bring you some very cool stuff for the next year and more.


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"For instance, you need to bring your own grocery bags to the store, or they’ll charge you half a buck for one."


Ah, that makes people use re-usable bags (like those canvas ones) so less plastic bags are used and thus less pollution and so on. I never knew the US wasn't like that.


I'm glad you're liking your job, maybe we'll all visit you someday over there. :D

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You're dealing with a lot of stuff. At least Denmark is more economic-friendly. Anyway, let's hope you don't spill any secrets, that would be b-can you tell us :P ?


Congrats on your new job, Binkmeister. Hope you have fun :) .


JSZ out

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Denmark! Can I get your signature while you're here?! :o


I'm really glad to see you in this new position -- keep up whatever it is you can't tell us about, and most importantly, enjoy it all. :)



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So I heard that Lego employees get to go to a special Employee only Lego Store in New York (or somewhere, maybe Connecticut) where they have Rahkshi for $1! You go yet?


"So far, it’s all been good. The people I’m working with, to a person, are very nice and welcoming. I don’t think I’ve ever been in such enthusiastic surroundings."


I've noticed that with AFOL's. Everyone is so nice (except one I met who probably had a big something against Bionicle). I'm sure you'll be fine.



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Lucky Binky...


Just wonderin', are you gonna keep workin' for Lego once Leah is back?


And if not, are you going to be staff here again afterwards?

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Yeah I would offer lunch like omi but I live in the middle of the desert! I wanna move to san francisco or some other place thats a hub of technology.


Well anyway kelly what would you tell a person (me specificaly) of what to do to get a job like that. I think thats where I want to take my career. But I am not completely sure. Any insight would be helpful, so I can grab the college classes next year to make steps to my goal.

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The weather is strange here… sunny one minute, raining hard enough to flatten small animals the next.

Tell me about it. I've lived here for the past 16 years! :lol:


But awesome an (not-at-the-moment) admin visits Denmark! Are you staying in Jutland, Funen or Zealand?




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The weather is strange here… sunny one minute, raining hard enough to flatten small animals the next.

Tell me about it. I've lived here for the past 16 years! :lol:


But awesome an (not-at-the-moment) admin visits Denmark! Are you staying in Jutland, Funen or Zealand?




I'm smack in the middle of Jutland, in Billund. Well, not at the moment, but I will be again soon. Some splitting time back and forth between the US and Denmark.


So I heard that Lego employees get to go to a special Employee only Lego Store in New York (or somewhere, maybe Connecticut) where they have Rahkshi for $1! You go yet?

Actually, I did go a couple of weeks ago, and was limited only by the luggage space I had available. There were some massively awesome deals for LEGO employees there... I picked up a few sets for my kids. And maybe one or two for myself, of course... ;)

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