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Dr. Independent

Dr. Bionicle


Those of you tempted to bust out into Kelly Clarkson lyrics in reaction to the title, you are excused. Go ahead. This is the only time I'll condone any praise of Kelly Clarkson, so take it if you want it. Commence. I'll wait.






Okay, now let's move along. (Those of you tempted to bust out into AAR lyrics, sorry. I'll try and get you a turn later.)


For those of you that don't know, I have a mass of siblings. Three sisters and one brother. Now before my little bro came into the picture, I was the only guy in the house (minus my dad) which meant, that's right, I had my own room. I was free to do whatever I wanted to the walls, floor, whatever.


Then little Drewmeister popped onto the scene and that independence is gone.


So for nearly a decade I've been sharing a room with the little guy. It isn't that bad, really.


Well, except that when he turned seven he had the uncontrollable urge to strike up some bedtime conversation in which I, being fairly sleep-deprived, had no interested in participating in.


"Ben, are vampires real?"










*climbs up on the bunk and decides to whack me in the head*




"Are vampires real?"


"No. Go to sleep."






"Ben, are you sure?"


"Yes, I'm sure. Stop talking."


"Ben, if you were a vampire, could you fly?"




"If you bit me, would I fly?"


"Do you want to find out?"


"Not really."


"Okay, good. Go to sleep."




"Ben, do you have a cape?"


This would basically go on for about half-an-hour or so until he finally gets tired enough to go to sleep, or decided he needed to get up. At this, he would turn on the light (which, when you're on the top bunk, is like a floodlight), and start looking for something he lost a week ago for no apparent reason. As I tried to block out the light under the covers, he would ask me if I could see it.


"Do you see it, Ben?!"


"See what?"


"My Gameboy!"


"Why do you need your Gameboy at 10 at night?"


"I need to see if my Pokemon grew in the nursery."


"Get in bed."


"Not until..."


At this point, I would get frustrated and either bean him across the head with a small stuffed animal, or get up and turn off the light. If it was a particularly bad night, he would begin to argue with me, then the parents would awaken, also sleep-deprived, and no one goes to bed happy.


He's stopped doing that now, although he does have the uncanny instinct to talk in his sleep. Well, after years of this, my graduated sister moved out of the house. What did this mean? I could finally take the office, and start to transform it into my own room. I'm happy to say that I am now writing this blog entry in my own room.


As of today, we've only done a few things. My dresser is down here, my bed is in a placeholder position till we can get the huge computer desk out of here. The paint job and the floral trim aren't exactly a masculine touch, but we might be able to get the thing painted some time later this year. Right now, it's more office than room, but I at least have a place of my own.


So that's the update for today. Whoo.



Dr. Bionicle



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You have the same number of siblings as I... *Ponders whether to run around screaming recent revelation at the top of her lungs.*


*Decides against it.*


One of my little sisters, with whom I share a room, reminds me of your brother. She once presented me with the mind-boggling question of, "Turakii, if the Fullmetal Alchemist came to the door, would you answer it or would I?" I can't understand why they think of these things just when the rest of the world is trying to sleep...


Congratulations on the new office-room!




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*snickers SO hard* I have 2 sisters, we're all in the same room, and we had a good spate where we'd tell jokes to each other for at least two hours past bedtime. It was absolutely hilarious - and our youngest member talks in her sleep.


There must be something among little sibs regarding this sleep-talking business... :lol:



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Well? Do you have a cape?

I've had several, but none which I find suitable for gnawing on my brother's neck with.


One of my little sisters, with whom I share a room, reminds me of your brother. She once presented me with the mind-boggling question of, "Turakii, if the Fullmetal Alchemist came to the door, would you answer it or would I?" I can't understand why they think of these things just when the rest of the world is trying to sleep...



I don't know. But I think this explains it fairly well.







Turkey-Eye and Doctor Bee are related!









*snickers SO hard* I have 2 sisters, we're all in the same room, and we had a good spate where we'd tell jokes to each other for at least two hours past bedtime. It was absolutely hilarious - and our youngest member talks in her sleep.


There must be something among little sibs regarding this sleep-talking business... :lol:



It's a conspiracy. It's how they communicate with each other on an international basis. Why else would they be talking about where they planted the DNA evidence?



Thanks for the comments, guys!


^_^ Dr. B ^_^

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Tell your brother the Pokemon grow in the nursery based on how many steps you take. A point of experience for each step the character in the game makes.



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I have one sibling of each gender, both younger, and I only got my own room away from my sis about two or three years ago.


Doesn't it feel terrific? It's so.... spacious... and oddly quiet. :D



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Hey, I feel your pain. I'm currently sharing a room with a brother five years younger than me. But luckily, he's more annoying in the daytime. :P

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