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On Weather





I mean, it definitely gets colder in winter and fall, but for SUMMER... and I haven't a clue how to turn on the heating! It's been raining and overcast for days, and I AM FREEZING. Yesterday was still warm enough to wear shorts, but dang it got cold today.


I'm SHIVERING. That's not RIGHT for summer. It's like FIFTY degrees out. Gah.


Also, LZ introduced me to a game called Cave Story. Quite a while ago, in fact. I'm now addicted to it. I've beat it on easy, and now I'm on my second runthrough, and I've fulfilled the requirements for hard this time. I'm about to fight the last non-hidden final boss (hard mode has two extra hidden ones that you beat to get the good ending) and thankfully I'm still at 48 hp, only lost 2 fighting the previous thre bosses (you have to fight four in a row to beat easy, and then of course the extra two [five really, one of them has four forms] on hard... at least there's a save point between hard and easy final bosses). If I can get through without using my missile launcher and without losing too much HP, well, woohoo! ^^


I'm also modelling a Toa arm/leg in Maya (it's the Toa olda leg piece and sometimes arm piece, and the arm piece for most of the Nuva. That one. Y'know?). The watermark annoys me and I suppose there should be an easier way. maybe I should try extruding at some point. Eh...


... oh yeah I should finish my english essay today er whatever I'll do it right after this...


EDIT: GAH! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS TO ME AND I SHOULDN'T... ergh... man, they were nice enough to refill your health after the last unhidden boss, but on the way back I got HIT BY A FALLING ROCK which stinks ><


At least I copied my savegame from before I beat the bosses... so I can retry and NOT get hit this time asdf.




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Oddly enough, I'm sick too. And it's supposed to be raining all week over here in Illinois, but the rain missed us so far today and all of yesterday...



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The high for Columbus and its suburbs today is 93° F.




I'd love to be where you are, Lyg. Let's switch places. :P



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Metric is the system of SCIENCE! =D


Isn't 30-some degrees celcius body temperature? 37, that's it. So 40 is over 100 Farenheit. Wow (yes I still need to think in Farenheit. It's been pounded into my BRAIN).


Yeah, it's true that in the heat you'd do anything for a breeze, and when it gets chilly, you'd do anything for some warmth. Humans are so hard to please XD


See Farenheit originally came up with his scale and tried to put body temp at 100, 'cept he missed by a bit. Dunno where he got the lower bound of 32 though, for ice. Maybe he just took the thermometer out on the coldest day he experienced, and marked that as zero :P 0 as freezing and 100 as boiling for water does make a lot more sense.

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No let's laugh at them for having 32 as 0.





Lyger I know that, Ive heard that before. But isn't kelvins more scientifical cause 0 is absolute 0.

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Well, true, but Kelvin is only Celcius + 273.15, you know? Same scale, just moved over. And it's not practical to apply to humans. Who wants to say "Phew, it's 313 Kelvins out today! I'm burning up!" and "Brrr, it's 280 Kelvins today, I'm freezing!" Saying "40" and "7" is a lot easier, and applies more to humans, since few people are going to experience a day of 12 Kelvins or something.


... Mata-Nui takes sacrifices?


*grabs next door neighbor*



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Oh shush, Fruity. :P The inner workings of my mind tick differently than most peoples.


The how-to-make-Metric-understandable part has a few rusty gears. It refuses to work.


So it isn't my fault. :P :P :P



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I don't blame you. I still need an online converter to work out stupid Fahrenhight. :P





(i speeled rong on poorpus. i are funny.)

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It's been 17°-20°C here for the past week.


I got a cold. IT SUCKS. ;_;

Yeah. It does. Especially when you get it 3 days before a race. Taki and you and I should hang out and be sick.


You guys. What do the units matter, as long as they're a way to measure temperature?


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