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Week 1.5 At Lego



I just realized how negligent I've been with my blog. Bad Binky.


Second week at The LEGO Group of companies. Weather here in Denmark has been stormy at times, sunny at times - but more former than latter. Commuting by bicycle has been fun, and I think I'm losing weight. Which is only a good thing. (Although I've had homemade tacos for two nights in a row, so I might actually be packin' on the kilos [note the European weight measurement - I appear to be assimilating].)


I'm starting to get more of a handle on the job. The devil's in the details, of course, and I'm trying my best to suss out those details. Budgets and vision plans and meetings, oh my! But in the spare minutes in between, I get to see what the designers are working on, and the marketers are coming up with, and it's just amazing. This is BIONICLE ground zero, and my desk is right smack dab in the center of it all.


It's funny, every once in a while I look up with 'fan' eyes, and reflect for a moment on just how a humble member of a fan site could ever become integral to such exalted company. I look around, and just think (with some smug satisfaction, I admit) how much each of you would give to sit right there. Then I start to feel the weight of all fandom weigh down on my shoulders - there's a lot of expectation to do it right. I have no doubt I'm capable of doing the job. There's just a lot of detail to get straight.


Monday I visited a little office in Copenhagen, and had the opportunity to meet some people who've been with BIONICLE from the very start. In a very real sense, Advance A/S is one of the primary parents of the Toa and their allies and enemies. I talked for several hours with a designer who's been core to the franchise, and is continuing to set the tone and direction. He's a cool dude, wish I could say more - maybe one day I will be able to. We went through the plans for upcoming years (yes, plural), and one thing really became apparent very quickly.


This is the perfect time for me to join the team.


Not only is what's coming up freakin' cool from a fan perspective, I get to help bring it to fruition through the web sites. I've got to check myself periodically to make sure I'm not giggling insanely. (Well, maybe not that bad, but you know what I mean.) I'm pretty much the luckiest guy I know.


This is a busy time for BIONICLE. Plans are being made for 2008, and I'm diving in face first. I've got a lot of paperwork to do over the next month, so don't expect instantaneous changes to BIONICLE.com... the plans for what's on there now were made months and months ago, and we're executing that plan now. My touch will start to be seen next year.


But I've already got some really solid ideas, based in part on work that Advance has done, and I'm pretty sure you'll like it. As Greg has said, 2008 is a big year, and I'm really excited to be part of it. (That's not marketing hyperbole or drinking the company Kool-Aid; I really am looking forward to bringing it all to you.)


The fun just never ends!


Recommended Comments

Bad Binky.

Your not bad.


Hope you have a great time in Denmark!(not including the work)

You deserve an Award

binkaward.jpg It's sprite size :D

Did you make the tacos?

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Well hope you get through that paper work easily so we can have lotsof updatres on the sites :P Anywho cant wait for next year or the one after for that matter.

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Frequent updates are a core part of my strategy, yep. You'll see more frequent updates from here on (much of which was planned earlier by Leah).


The tacos were Made By Bink.

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Frequent updates are a core part of my strategy, yep. You'll see more frequent updates from here on (much of which was planned earlier by Leah).


The tacos were Made By Bink.


Wait a minute, are we talking here about your touch next year, or this one :???:


Everybody seems to eat tacos besides me...

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Sound cool awesome! (and you're right, it's a dream job)


So, how much influence can you have on the sets, seeing as how you have direct contact with all sorts of ideas that are on BZP?


Can't wait to see anything you do to Bionicle.com



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