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Takua Might Die



Today, when we took my cat Takua to the vets for the third time regarding a leg problem he has, the vet told us that Takua might have Feline Infectious Peritonitis, a deadly diease which has no cure to it currently.


It's an enormous shock and blow, since he is only a 9 months old kitten and it's hard to believe that he would die due to the diease. I looked up the diease in several sources, although really, he only matched one of the signs. Hopefully, he has just sprained some of his muscles which causes the leg problem rather then the diease itself. But of course, we can't be certain and the most we can do is wait for a while to see if he worsens or develope other signs.


While I understand that he may not have the diease at all, there lies a possibility that it is. I desperately wished that it isn't. If some of you have tips on how to recognise this diease, or if the case is indeed true, anyway to extend his life to the farthest possible, please tell me about it. My family and I are very concerned and desperate about this, and any advice may help us to recognise that Takua is not near death, or at least allow him to die peacefully and painlessly.


~ Bioran


Recommended Comments

I thought this was a depressing Bionicle theory at first.

I thought that finding out it was something else would make me feel better.

I thought wrong. :(


Poor Takua. Hope he gets better.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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