With the return of BZP forums, KanohiJournal Publications (formerly KanohiJournal) will be setting up relevant forum material over the next few days. As there have been major structural and purpose revamps, the KJP is now more diversified than ever before. This means we will need a bit of time for us to propagate our content across the related sections on BZP. Meanwhile, please visit the official KanohiJournal Publications website, where can you check up on the first chapters of Mata Nui Nui's
The KanohiJournal is now optimized for Internet Explorer 9 (BETA)! If you are using Windows 7 and IE9, be sure go and check out the new functionality of the browser on the KanohiJournal.
We’re now facing the time of the year where a large portion of our staff are busy or unavailable. As you may understand, our staff work on a voluntary basis and therefore we can not force everybody on a strict … Continue reading →
Please join us over the next few days as we unveil several more items a.k.a. The Future Begins Wave 2! One of the things we’re planning to reveal will undoubtedly be the most controversial item for the BIONICLE fanbase in 2010, but we hope you will welcome and enjoy it regardless.
Latest KanohiJournal Article: Random User Spotlight #16 by Phyoohrii.
Please be sure to check out the articles posted during the past few weeks via the front page, which we forgot to update here. All comments should take place on the post's comment section.
Hello, KanohiJournal. It’s Kanohi Zatth with an overview of Day 1 at BrickFair. First of all, as we were arriving, we had a very nice rainstorm, sorta like the 40 days 40 nights rainstorms, so that went well. When we … Continue reading →
Be sure to keep up with our BrickFair coverage everyday on the KanohiJournal!
We are delighted in welcoming the following two members to our staff team: Tilius Nathanael1711
We expect more new members to join our team over the next few weeks and months.
Furthermore, we currently have a number of new positions available for grabs. Details can be found at the "Work For Us" section on the KanohiJournal website.
Please also join the KanohiJournal as we unveil several other major projects on the 30th of June, along with several other items including give-aways.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank BZP, our affiliates and our staff for supporting our work. It has been truly amazing and exciting to be able to prepare what we are about to reveal with you all.
Additionally, we would like to thank Ms. Julie Stern from LEGO, and the LEGO legal department for taking time to answer our enqu
We are delighted to announce an official affiliation with BIONICLE: Next Generation.
For more details, please click here.
Furthermore, we invite you to join the KanohiJournal as we initiate the next chapter of BIONICLE at June 30th.
Please help the future of BIONICLE graphic novels and purchase BIONICLE #8: Legends of Bara Magna, alongside BIONICLE #9: Fall of Atero.
You may purchase the two books through KanohiJournal.com. Simply hover over either of the products currently being displayed at the top of the sidebar with your cursor, and it will give you the option to buy either products from Amazon.com. (It will open up a new window, so be sure to check that your popup-blocker is not preventing it from opening up.)