The Plast! Productions administration is delighted in announcing the KanohiJournal's latest affiliates: The Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics (C.I.R.C.L.E./CIRCLE) and The Three Virtues podcast.
More details can be found here.
The KanohiJournal is now back online.
Please also consider giving your support to victims of the Qinghai earthquake in China. More details can be found here.
The KanohiJournal will be offline for scheduled maintenance from the 17th of April, 8:00am HKST to the 18th of April 8:00pm HKST.
This is a tentative schedule - the period of downtime maybe shorter or longer depending on circumstances.
Recently, the BIONICLE Story Squad was announced in the Storyline & Theories forum. Upon its announcement, a small amount of individuals questioned the reason as to why the KanohiJournal was present on the team, and we would therefore like to clarify matters and give an explanation on our participation.
Since our debut over a year ago, the KanohiJournal has strived to set up different events in addition to our articles to make the experience more entertaining. These included interviews an
Latest KanohiJournal Article: Braaaaaaiiiiiins, Nooooooooeeee, and Kiina Krying by Kanohi Zatth.
Discussions should take place on the post's comments section.
We have some new jobs up for grabs. If you are an avid BZP member, and want to write about ongoing stuff in the BZP community, this may be a good opportunity!
The KanohiJournal Storyline Contest #3: Iron Wolf MOC/Artwork has begun for KanohiJournal readers and members. The contest will be announced on BZPower and BIONICLEsector01 tomorrow.
More details here.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Future, Today. This is the official blog for the KanohiJournal, leading BIONICLE fan eMagazine and its extension services, giving you a place to interact and participate in its development.
Since the KanohiJournal's redevelopment into an online magazine site, it is no longer efficient or appropriate to have topics within the Promotions forum. Instead, we intend for The Future, Today to be the replacement of individual topics, and also a development
Completely random title just to lure you folks onto this entry.
As you can see, this is now the official KJ blog. I will soon be adding content to those new nifty content blocks to the left (look at them all pretty and such :3) and once they are done this blog will become the center of the KJ developments.
As you can see, we have a couple of very interesting projects lining up. The Complete Legend should have its topic soon, and Bara Magna RPG may have one also by next month. Not too sure