So, today, I revamped my userpage, and plan to do it with the other ones.
The overall design is pretty neat, or so it is in my opinion. It has always been my wish to make the userpage simple and effective, while decorative as well, and finally I managed to make it.
But then I could have coded it ages ago. The coding was such a dead easy one. Dunno what made me not do it.
Anyways, I hope you find the new design much more simple, effective and decorative like I did. Any suggestio
Just so you all know, BS01 may be placed on "Alert" status for sometime.
The reason is because of the recent attacks on BZP, and there is every oppotunity that they may divert their attention to us. Therefore, BS01 should be on Alert until the coast is absolutely cleared.
I hope the staff reads and understands why I placed the Con onto Alert. We really need to pay attention, it's still dangerous out there.
Oh, and for anybody who are nervous about how well we will cope if we are to be
Funny, I realised that nobody noticed I posted an entry below this recently.
Anyways, just a blog entry on some maddening things we did today, on our third day of our day camp. (That's why I was unable to be on until nightshift on BS01).
Today was absolute maddness. Not only because of the activity, but because of many things which happened DURING the activity. We had to do a walk up an area of gorges, which meant walking on easy paths at first, then scaling some 50m high rock wall and wal
Did you know, that in California, the police took ages trying to barge down a gunman's home, before finding out that the gunman was actually right besides them pretending to be one of the people who is trying to barge into his house screaming "GET OUT AND SURRENDER!"?
Anyways, doing a bit of public service here:
~ Bioran
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to the BS01 Wiki!
-gasp for air-
Happy Birthday to you...
Today, we gather together to celebrate the second anniversary of the BS01 Wiki, which was established by a great guy named Bryan, also known as Crystal Matrix. Later, in April 2006, the great role of responsibility was handed down to another great guy named Steven, or Swert, who has kept to even till now.
Yes, however unfortunate it is, the BS01 Wiki is currently c
It's hilarioius really, how governments and militaries spend millions of dollars to buy in machine guns and bullets, when there's a much more sufficent and natural way around: Coconuts.
Don't believe me? Well, put it this way. If I throw a small coconut at you, you'd have you wind knocked out of you. If I throw a medium sized one at you, you'd get unconscious. If I throw a huge one at you, then you'd most likely die. So basically, militaries and police can drop all their machine guns and sta
I am currently revamping all of my content blocks. Eventually, there will be only 1 content block with everything in it. Please be patient while it's being done!
~ Bioran
I was rather amused after I came out of my Geography class today. My teacher made a really good point, why is the Americans and the other Western countries blaming the Chinese for making toys with the paint containing lead?
I mean, think about it. The factories themselves, like the Barbies factories, are owned by Americans themselves! The Americans are the one who hired the factories so that they can pay the workers really low wages and keep the expense at a minimum, and as a result, requesti
It's funny how when you know somebody new, that person would appear everywhere. You would notice them walking on the stairs, you will notice them going into bathrooms, you would notice them walking besides you, sitting besides you, working besides you, running besides you, flying besides you...and eventually, you will go mad seeing the mysterious appearing people.
Authors should stop writing books like "The Mysterious Dissappearance of [insert Name Here]" and instead write books like "The Mys
Did you know that 11 people from the popular Australian TV program The Chasers War on Everything managed to breach two security points using fake ideas and driving through the points with three cars and 2 motor bikes which has Canadian flags flying on them, then parking a few meters from where President Bush was staying and one of the casts emerged as Osama Bin Laden?
Full story from Wikinews:
~ Bioran
Today, when we took my cat Takua to the vets for the third time regarding a leg problem he has, the vet told us that Takua might have Feline Infectious Peritonitis, a deadly diease which has no cure to it currently.
It's an enormous shock and blow, since he is only a 9 months old kitten and it's hard to believe that he would die due to the diease. I looked up the diease in several sources, although really, he only matched one of the signs. Hopefully, he has just sprained some of his muscles w