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Did You Know #3



Did you know that 11 people from the popular Australian TV program The Chasers War on Everything managed to breach two security points using fake ideas and driving through the points with three cars and 2 motor bikes which has Canadian flags flying on them, then parking a few meters from where President Bush was staying and one of the casts emerged as Osama Bin Laden?


Full story from Wikinews:


September 6, 2007

Eight cast and crew members of the Australian television show The Chaser successfully breached the security surrounding the APEC summit meeting in Sydney, Australia.


Using a cavalcade of three cars and two motorcycles branded with the Canadian Flag, the crew passed through two security check points, reaching the "red zone". It was only when the team attempted to turn around, ten meters from the InterContinental Hotel where United States President George W Bush was staying, that police realised the security breach and pounced.


Eleven people have been charged over the incident, the eight cast and crew members and the three drivers. Two motor bike drivers at the front were told to run and police are currently searching for them. Comedian and cast member Chas Licciardello was dressed up as Osama bin Laden during the event.


All 11 have been bailed to appear in court on October 4, 2007.


New South Wales minister for police denied that the security services had been embarrassed by the event. A police statement said that the shows producers had been cautioned a week beforehand about trying any stunts during the APEC meetings.


The Chaser had tried unsuccessfully yesterday to breach security when they dressed up as a NSW Police horse.


On April 25, 2007 The Chaser successfully asked Jimbo Wales 10 questions during his visit to Sydney as a part of a segment for The Chaser's War on Everything series.


~ Bioran


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