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A Day Of Complete Mess



Funny, I realised that nobody noticed I posted an entry below this recently.


Anyways, just a blog entry on some maddening things we did today, on our third day of our day camp. (That's why I was unable to be on until nightshift on BS01).


Today was absolute maddness. Not only because of the activity, but because of many things which happened DURING the activity. We had to do a walk up an area of gorges, which meant walking on easy paths at first, then scaling some 50m high rock wall and walking on rocks on the side of a river. I remembered that before the scaling, a lady was muttering something about us risking our lifes climbing mountains with only a rope and no safety gear. -_-


Anyways, the scaling was hard, Hard, HARD. I slipped once on the trip, and earned myself a huge bruise on my leg as a result. Prior to the scaling, one of our team, a girl who was really frightened of bugs, got stung by a bee. She cried a lot, and we had to take quite sometime to calm her down and tell her to stop panicking, or more bees would come. After the scaling, another member decided that he was eager for lunch, so he took out a box of tuna and started eating, unaware that we had to start moving almost immediately and that bees had followed us up the cliff. Eventually, the bees started to zoom around, and the boy, who was quite scared of the bees, decided to let himself believe that the bees were actually after his tuna, so he threw the box down on the floor and chucked the fork after it. The entire team didn't want to upset him, but in the end we decided that it was quite an idiotic thing to do, as the top is now covered in bits of tuna. Another member of the team had to help by picking up the tuna using the fork and placing it back into the fork, while the boy who threw it started walking off shouting things like "They will sting me if I stop moving!" and "Don't tell me how to save my own life!".


Later on, we had to walk through a river by walking on the rock wall besides the river. We had to move sideways, gripping onto the rocks and rope which was set there. I came close to falling once, but was luckily able to find a footing and held onto the rock. We eventually reached our destination, a huge deep pool with clean water, when the boy who threw the tuna started screaming about how bees were nearly landing on his skin, and started running around like mad. He honestly freaked everybody up, as our location was some 1km off the bottom of the cliff, which was covered with rocks. I didn't want to upset him or anything, but I couldn't resist myself noting the fact that two bees landed on my leg and didn't sting me, and that staying still and no panicking and the bees won't sting him. Unfortunately, he refused to listen, and kept going wild.


In the end, we managed to get out of the gorge in one piece. I came up with a huge bruise on my leg, a slight skin injury caused by some sharp and defensive leaf along with being stung 3 times on the skin by some plant with needles. (Managed to pull 'em all out. :D)


It was a fun day in someways, and scary plus dangerous and a lot of ways. On the way back on the bus, my sense of scarsm finally exploded after a whole day of being contained, luckily, nobody cared. :P


~ Bioran

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