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Lady Kopaka




A F-15 went over our house and did some pretty tight moves, and it was really loud...So that was cool! :D


....On to other news :P :


Hiya everyone! Though I'm still on less now (I might be extending this slight break another week because of school), I decided to post an entry and give everyone and update on my life. But real quick, if you guys go to the Penguin entry, don't forgot to read Jedi Master J.'s short story he wrote about the penguin in the comment section, it's really cute and good!


Art is going rather nicely, I got a bunch of pieces almost done. And I actually drew some Bionicle-Human art, and I can't wait to show the drawing. I got a few other pieces that I like, but I am unsure if they are good enough till I actually get some feedback on it.


Now then, life? Bleh. >_>


Well, so far with family problems are kind of vague now. I'm rather in good mood, life was going smoothly...and then...


We're probably not getting the house.


Yeah. I'm really mad at God right now, I wish he could give my family a break; we've been through so much hardships and disappointment. I admit I have learned a lot, but after 3 years and having #5 House go down the drain, it really starts to bug you. This is roughly the 5th time this has happened. Its just, we have been living in this tiny house, and even before we were having house issues(getting kicked off our original land due to greedy relatives)....Our family finds this great house, we're all excited, we pray about it and it seems it will work out, and then when we least expect it the whole thing crashes. Same old story, over and over again....


Part of me isn't totally surprised this would happen, in the back of my mind I knew this might happen. And it did....Now yes, there is still a slight chance, but our 90% of getting the house dropped to 30%.


*Takes deep breath* Don't worry, we'll get through this and I'm not really depressed as this has happened before, so yeah...Like I said I'm actually pretty good, just sad inside.


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Can't wait to see your new pieces, m'lady! =D


Oh goodness, moving troubles stink. I can sympathize. My folks had the same trouble both of the times we moved - our house was on the market forEVER, it seemed. We're having the same problem now - we've been trying to move closer to our church for about a year now, and we found a glorious house about two months ago that's bigger and a closer drive to my father's workplace, but there's so many things that keep coming up, so we haven't been able to really get our grasp around purchasing it yet.


But don't worry too much, LK. If it's God's plan for you, you'll get into the right house. Just keep praying about it. :)



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I'll have to hunt for it, but there's a video on the internet of an IDF (Israeli army) pilot who landed an F-15 (or it might have been an F-22) with 70% of one wing torn off.

A testament to the quality that the United States puts into their military aircraft.




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Cool. I see F-15's and F-16's alot around my area, Its kinda of a bummer to see em' birds retire but that means were getting the F-22 Raptors and F-35 Lightning II/JSFs soon. :happydance:



I'll have to hunt for it, but there's a video on the internet of an IDF (Israeli army) pilot who landed an F-15 (or it might have been an F-22) with 70% of one wing torn off.

A testament to the quality that the United States puts into their military aircraft.





Actually it was the Israeli Air Force that was testing the F-15, And of course they bought total of 77 or so airframes. They also will be buying the new F-35 JSF to replace their fleet of F-16's


P.S. I have a link to that video but BZP filters the sites name.




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You're not allowed to link to evilpoundsigns.com. :P


Anyway, you must remain faithful regardless of the trials that are cast your way. I am afraid what I really need to tell you has far too much religious influence behind it to be permissible on BZP, but just remember that you can't change things that are out of your power. What you should do instead is to make an effort to better yourself through the guidance of God and others, so that these things will someday be within your power. I am not saying you are less powerful than those who do not experience the same degree of loss, for that is in no way true, but if you are pushed by loss to better yourself, then you are clearly meant to do so. I am here not referring to fate, or to God, but to the way of the universe. By surpassing these obstacles, you become stronger.


Perhaps, of course, my advice is not helpful, and I recognise that I am in no way able to tell you what the right decisions will be, beyond my limited understanding of such matters. But I beg that because I care for you, as I'm certain many other people do, you will make an effort to find the right decisions for yourself. You're in my prayers.


EDIT: Can't wait to see that artwork. Don't be afraid that any art you have is unfit to show us, because there is nothing you could do that would lessen my opinions of you, and I'm certain that the same holds true for many of us. Beyond that, you have not yet disappointed me with any of your art (except the 2004 poster), and I have the highest confidence that any new artwork will satisfy expectations.


With all due respect

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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When I was like four, Concords use to fly over my house all the time (seriously, this was back before they were taken away. Concords are freakin' awesome). Now it's just a bunch of military planes and/or helicopters (V-22 testing around here).


And a few years ago they tested this potential military craft that had to have specific items (hovering abilities, really high speeds and efficiency, etc). I didn't see it, but still...


Last one: You know the helicopter in Transformers that transforms in front of the alley (in the commercial)? My dad is an engineer for the company that made it.



Glad you're feeling better. It's never fun being depressed.


Didn't read the last part. I assumed you were still happy/neutral from the last entry. I'm very sorry your life is getting rougher. Just hold on tight, cuz the ride doesn't end when you want it to. Just remember Job (easier said than done).

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I can understand your frustration, just remember, God isn't the one that brings bad things into your life. It's the Devil who does that. Thing of it this way: God opens the door to a new house for you and then as you're walking throught it, Satan stands in the way. Keep praying and just push that cool dude out of the way, even if it doesn't go through, make sure you're placing the blame correctly ;) .


- :t::l::h:

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When I was like four, Concords use to fly over my house all the time (seriously, this was back before they were taken away. Concords are freakin' awesome). Now it's just a bunch of military planes and/or helicopters (V-22 testing around here).


And a few years ago they tested this potential military craft that had to have specific items (hovering abilities, really high speeds and efficiency, etc). I didn't see it, but still...


Last one: You know the helicopter in Transformers that transforms in front of the alley (in the commercial)? My dad is an engineer for the company that made it.


Your dad works for Sikorsky?! That so freakin' cool.




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When I was like four, Concords use to fly over my house all the time (seriously, this was back before they were taken away. Concords are freakin' awesome). Now it's just a bunch of military planes and/or helicopters (V-22 testing around here).


And a few years ago they tested this potential military craft that had to have specific items (hovering abilities, really high speeds and efficiency, etc). I didn't see it, but still...


Last one: You know the helicopter in Transformers that transforms in front of the alley (in the commercial)? My dad is an engineer for the company that made it.


Your dad works for Sikorsky?! That so freakin' cool.




*nods head yes*

He occasionally has to go to Connecticut for meetings at the headquarters. I haven't gone up with him, but it is pretty cool.

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Yeah I live right by an airbase myself, so I get to go view all the pretty airplanes. 8D


Thanks for the encourgement guys, I know God has plans for me...I just wish he'd hurry up with them. :P

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Hmm, I used to live near a lot of air traffic. Military-type stuff. The only problem was that it was never truly quiet around there. XD

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