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The Return Of The Cage



I consider myself an "Animal" in some cases. But that name was taken by a man known as David Batista.

More known as a WWE Superstar, "The Animal" Batista.




Now, considering he has that title, I'm "The Beast".


Now, Beasty over here is getting closer and closer to getting back in the cage.


High School Education.





Best part, I'm in Creative Writing!


(For those of you who don't know, I made a gesture that is not acceptable on school grounds to my CW Teacher last year. We don't get along. Especially when his heart is a jagged rock that tears apart the positivity of the world and leaves behind nothing but hate)


I'm not looking forward to that.


By the way, the good news of it all is that today was my last sweaty day of work! :D


I'm going to Monday Night Raw in Boston, which shall rock considering Triple H is coming back to the weekly event.


And my man, John Cena, the WWE Champion, is back in his home-state!




He gave me a signature move too! The Fireman's Takeover Powerslam! Use it in my near fights to tell people not to mess with me by putting them on my shoulders. They back off pretty quick.


He gave me a bully-go-away guarantee trick! :D Woot!


Well, that all for now. I'll come back later when anything interesting happens.



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