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The Need To Nail-bite Has Come



The idiosyncratic mannerism of nail-biting often means that the person doing this dirty act is either nervous or has a bad habit to kick. (I'm not in any way being nasty to Dr. Bionicle - He is breaking the habit. Go go!)


I'm nervous. There's a private function I'm to perform at, next (or this) Friday! Egads and eek, and the night's repertoire is still slightly flawed. I've been drilling - but to a point of exhaustion. I realised this, of course, and took a break. I don't know when I'll get back into the swing of things.


Nail-biting can be a way to stave off excitement - the U.S. West Coast trip is in 9 days! I realised another thing - my delegation was going to visit Apple HQ. It's a chance to see what the iPhone buzz was about, even though I've read that they incur bills that are about the size of a book.



My nails are now short - perfect for key-playing. I do hope I don't end up picking this up!





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