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*pats His Head... Checks His Hands*



I'm alive?


Whoa! New armor! Sweet!


*notices his Premier badge*


Dude. Woah.




Before there are posts (which I doubt) I want to answer a few questions in anticipation:


Yes, I've been aware of my Premiership for about a couple weeks now. I just didn't believe it up until now. ... and I've been plenty content with being a normal member, and shirking the attention one so dubious could get.


No, I didn't become Premier on my own. I'll flat out say that this honor was a gift from my friends in the OACP (Tesseract, Swert, Kanta the Dogdemon, Jemina... *there's a lot of us*) and forum member Aoran. They pulled together to get this old man a great gift. To you guys, I bless and give my gratitude.


Yes. I was one of the several members who have been having forums issues. Kudos to the staff for their tireless work getting things in order. *thumbs up* Blessings, guys. You rock.


No, I will not be blogging on a regular basis.




... You know I was kidding. *grin*


I'll see what I can do in terms of content and keep you guys posted on random happenings. I know this post is not much more than your cliche acceptance speech, but it's not everyday when people decide to kick things up a level for one's sake.


Thanks, you guys. Thanks for the support though all there years and keeping my ego in check. (better shoot it now before it gets too big.)


-Mout (the Resurrected)


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Cool Stuff Mout!


I'll be sure to Check this place every now and then.


*Awaits Mout's Awesome Art* =P


See ya 'Round!



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Hey, you're back!


I'm glad to see you. I heard from (I think it was) Dwin that you couldn't see the forum at all, so I figured, but I didn't think you'd be starting a blog.


*puts "Crash and Burn" on list of blogs to read*



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