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Back, And Other Stuff



Yeah, I know I said Tuesday. Well, I lied. Thursday.


Bah, didn't get to update the Lyg comic... I've been on the dot for eight weeks! Gah, oh well. Comic 9 will be up this Saturday instead... I mean what really gets me is, this was gonna be the first thing that I could actually get done each week, on schedule, that I have an idea of where I'm going, a very SPECIFIC, comic-by-comic idea, that I could easily get down on paper, but alas life STILL got in the way and I had no buffer zone, and no internet access for that matter...


Boston and New Hampshire was nice. Visited Harvard and Yale and MIT, tho MIT is the only one I'm really interested in... then we went to that... er... was it Franconia Notch State Park? In New Hampshire. Was fun. I scraped my leg on one of the hiking trails though. It was a really fun trail since I love to climb rocks (not like a proffessional rock climber, with the sheer cliffs and the ropes and hooks and stuff, but like, if there's a big pile of boulders, I'll scramble up it) but my hand just slipped on one of them and my leg was in mid-stride and BANG, inside of my calf right against the rock. Not even the knee, which I'm used to by now considering my clumsiness in my youth (I'm still clumsy, but in less knee-endangering situations). Wonderful, since it was at the very beginning of the descent. I had to hop gingerly down for the rest of the way, which was not easy, since it was a pretty tricky trail. Like I said, not sheer cliffs or anything, but uneven rocks and such. My sister was carried down by our dad :P but the same applied for me when I was her age, so, can't blame her.


My sister's going to Kindergarten really soon now... she's going to ACTUAL SCHOOL! ^_^ I'm so proud of her... she's also up to like, second grade math already, lol. We had very little to do on the 6 hour car ride (9 hours on the way back, because of New York Traffic, with a capital T. I never thought I'd be so glad to be out of NYC :P ) so my parents decided the time should be used constructively. Sure we watched the portable DVD player but your eyes get tired after a while. So we taught my sister multiplication and division! =D What's great is that we didn't exactly drill her tables or something but we got her to UNDERSTAND how it works, which goes a lot farther than just repeating "1x1=1, 2x1=2, 2x2=4..."


But anyway, the requirements for Kindergarten are ABSURD. When I was going to elementary we never had any of these kinds of things!


-She has to wear a badge for the first two weeks of school. There are all kinds of annotations for After School and parent pick-up and stuff.

-She needs to get TEN glue sticks, and a bag of baby wipes (there are kids still not potty trained by Kindergarten? O_O)

-She needs at towel to lie on for rest time, half an hour each day. She stopped having naps in the middle of the day when she was about three.

-Everything must be labelled. EVERYTHING. We'll probably have to label each of the ten glue sticks with my sister's name.

-Her snack should be labelled "snack" to avoid confusion with lunch. There was also a note of "(no chocolate cake or candy)."

-She needs a box of gallon sized plastic bags.

-She needs a lunch box, even though after the first two days of school she will be buying lunch. Wonder what the return policy is on used lunch boxes.

-No keychains on backpacks. My mom is quite disappointed. She had a really cute keychain.

-The lunch buying system is absurd. I'll just leave it at that, because I really don't understand it. I'm assuming my mom does. That, at least, was apparently the same as when I was a kid. :P


It's even funnier because of the wording. Like they're very specific. No extra large towels, suggest a beach towel... no nuts, but that one's reasonable. And at one point it says "remind your child that the school cooks the lunch and it won't be like mommy makes it." Rofl.


Also, up to the Sacred Grounds in Cave Story, made it to the final boss about four times, died on the first form twice, second form twice. After that there's the third and fourth forms to deal with. Hooooo boy... I'd better get REALLY good at dodging those falling rocks.


Speaking of games: TILES! Yes, I'm gonna get those done... I've been putting off doing them for ages :lookaround: Eh-heh...




EDIT: BAH! I got to Sacred Grounds room 3 losing only 15 HP as opposed to the usual 35 (AKA 1 falling rock and 1 angel as opposed to 3 blocks and 1 angel or 2 blocks and 3 angels) and made it through room 3 losing only 15 HP as well (I'd replenished the HP lost from room 2 already) but died on the first boss! I guess 'cause it's too late and I wasn't paying attention to what was going on... *sigh*


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LOL, a badge? :P


I had nap times in Jr. Kindergarten, too. Often I was restless so I got up when no one was looking, and snuck a peek into the hallway. When I saw a teacher there I thought I was in trouble and ran for it. :P


That was the simple life.

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I never slept during naptime either. My parents also like to tell me how when I was young the teachers nicknamed me "Chipmonk" (I know I'm going to pay for telling you all this story) because I was always the slowest eater, so I'd just stuff the last bite of lunch into my mouth and head right off to go play, without chewing or swallowing for quite some time. XD I don't remember that, actually, or at least that's what I insist to my parents. << >>

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I don't think I slept once during nap time in kindergarten. :lookaround: The only "requirement" I remember there being was just to bring a towel or blanket and pillow for nap time...
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