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BIONICLE Legends #6: City of the Lost is done and on its way to Scholastic!! Hope folks like it ... it's a little different than the other books I have done, in some respects, but I think it holds together and has a nice cliffhanger ending.


Tomorrow I am in NYC to meet with my editors and brief them on BIONICLE and EXO-FORCE 2007, and discuss some other issues. Then Wednesday I start EXO-FORCE Book 3, which is due in two weeks (and has to get done in less, since I leave for Denmark on the 13th).




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And you're doing these books in your spare time? I'm duly impressed with the timeframe you pump these out, and with the overall quality.


I wonder if that time includes doing the outline and plot, as well as the actual writing?

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Lol, I bet it does Binky. Because unless Greg already had everything planned out, he'd still have to do some outlining.

You go Greg! Keep it up! ^_^

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City of the Lost... Now, that's gonna be interesting. It's truly impressive how fast you write these books, let alone all the other stuff you do, and that you still get time to BZP and family life. Did you, by any chance, snatch a Kakama somewhere in the factories? :P


BTW, on the Denmark meeting - Is it around Legoland? If so, I may sneak by, if my exams aren't in the way...



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... that was fast. :blink:


City of the Lost sounds cool, I'll try and actually read some of these books this time. ^^

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I doubt thier the same thing We spent two years on Metru Nui so I think we've learnt all it's legends by now.. I don't doubt however that the island in which the city I part of was like the city of legends at one point....



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Nice title greg, Is the "City of the Lost" a new island or is it a new name for Metru-Nui? Anyway I can't wait for it to come out!




legoguy14 :silver:

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city of the lost... interesting title... now... that's not metru nui... right...

so... in this book we learn about the sole turaga of voya nui, so that leads the posability that this city is located on the mainland...


can't wait for next year now :P


you seem to be writing these books faster than i could read them :lol:


keep on writing :)

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Oooooooo...I love the title! Sounds like it's sort of going to be an abandoned city - Towers & Tech overshadowed by lots of rugged wilderness. And more cliffhangers? Of course...


Keep up the good work, Greg ^_^



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Wellz, I like the name Mr. Greg. ^^ I will be excited about it, but cliffhangers are not good, no no no....They make you go all twitchy and impatient for the next one. :P

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:blink: :blink:




Let me take one more look at that.


:blink: :blink: :blink:


Okay. Now I'm sure I wasn't dreaming. Are you serious, Greg? That sounds SO COOL! City of the Lost...maybe advanced like Metru Nui, but with the "wilderness" appeal of Mata Nui and Voya Nui? And "lost" seems to refer to dead people...Oh, I LOVE dead people! They're so dark and it adds a layer of danger to any story! :D


So, wait, I know Legends #5 is coming out in 2006, so is this the first book of 2007? That's cool.

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Yes, you are a hard worker, I see. The City of the Lost has to do with the Lost Land, right? I remember you said that would be an important location in the future.

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City of the Lost? Sweet... :drooling:


Anyway, BL#6 sounds like it will be neat. "City of the Lost" makes me wonder what the story is about. My guess is that "the Lost" refers to the inhabitants of the "City", who have been tricked into being evil by the 2007 villains. Of course, that's probably going to be wrong, but it's worth a guess...



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So it does pay to check out these blogs...and I dare say, that is an intriguing title for BL #6. Could it refer to the lost land sunken beneath Voya Nui...Metru Nui...or even a new island wilderness in which Matoran long ago began the process of building a mighty city much like Metru Nui, but for some reason, mysteriously stopped?


The mind boggles.

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Yeah, I agree it sounds awesome. City of the Lost feels like a great title to me... I wonder whether that's actually referring to the land Voya Nui broke off from? Well, we'll see -- we haven't even got Book 3 yet.


LZ :)

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Wow, It's only half way through the year and BL6 is done! So the end is a cliffhanger. Unfortunatly, a cliffhanger ending makes every one impatient for the next book.


- :c: :t: :w: :t:



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Well,Greg,we cracked the case of what the island is.

Cliffhangers are suprizing.Then,I get to make up stuff and be amazed on what you write next.

Wait,a 2007 exo-force?Awsome!

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