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The Pit That Is My Heart...



It seems unavoidable. And I see it coming.


Once its close to fall, everyone is falling in love.


Maybe its called "Fall" not for the leaves afterall.


Anyways, I might as well tell you about the girl.


This girl is new this year, and she's cute. Everyone keep telling me how hot she is and all, but don't like her for that. Heck, I don't think I like like her at all for that matter.


I'll tell you how it started first off.


First day of school, everyone is talking about this new brazilian girl and how she's hot and all.

I'm thinking,"Okay, I bet I can spot her right off the bat."

I can. And I do. You should know (read first blog entry).

She can understand very little English, and that goes for her speech too. When she sat behind me in History, and tried to tell the teacher about her Language difficulty, I turn around, and in a cool way, asked in Portuguese,"Brazilian huh?"


She sighed in relief,"Finally!"


From what I learned then on was great. She's 17, lived in America for two months, formerly lived in a city south of my Brazilian State Sao Paulo, and she likes Big Macs! Not a fan of the latter, but there is more to her.


Thing is, I haven't known her long enough. I maybe street bred, but I'm different from the other guys. I like(d) Bionicle, I like to read, I like to get to know a girl first.


Maybe BZP only know the true me.


But to tell you all the truth, I haven't felt feelings for a girl since the beginning of July. I've felt empty.


I feel... Fearless.


Maybe thats why I welcome danger with a open hand.


If I die like this, then I go with little regret.




Recommended Comments

Yea, as Taki said, give it a while. There's someone out there for everyone, and I'm sure you'll find the right one for you. ;) Just be patient with it.

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