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Colors According To Dalek: Black

Metallic O'Dalek


Black. It's everywhere we look. But, what is black? Well, black is a color, a hue, actually. It is a mix of all the colors of the spectrum. It is the opposite of White. To learn more than the basics, we will have to go back several centuries. Black first came into being when night was first created. Black was first named by a man. This man saw it and thought about it, and then one day while he was bathing, he came up with a good name for it. Black.


Through the ages, Black has evolved into something we use to show evil, like black Sedans carrying black hearted bad guys in black suits. Black has been used in paintings of dark places. Speaking of dark, black has been used to show darkness because of mans fear of the dark and unknown places. This fear of black may also have come from the black widow. The Black widow may also be responsible for the association of Red and Black together.


Black is not always a bad thing, though. Without Black, we wouldn’t have night, and without night, we wouldn’t see the stars. We wouldn’t really see the moon, actually!

So Black is not always bad. But black can be bad for people living in lands plagued by Tornadoes and other horrible storms. Although Tornadoes are not always black, they can be. So in meteorology black is mainly bad. I hoped you enjoyed “Colors According To Dalek: Black,” enough to come back for my next article! Until next time, Dalek out.


Recommended Comments

cranky pants is above me :sarcastic:

but blue would be good for the next color

i liked it, it takes brains to do stuff like that

where did you come up with this, its BRILLIANT!

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