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Guess What!



I like meat, a lot. I'm just saying, if I had to be a carnivore, I probably could. :P


But now, onto real stuff:


Well, I hope everyone has had a good Labor Day. A day without school and work (for me, at least). However, it was way too hot over here for my likings. (My likings include any temperature below 60o) It topped 100o once again, today. Uhg...


And my foot is still hurting. Very much so. ;_; At least I've gotten quite a bit better at bandaging it.


Schools back tomorrow. It saddens me so...


Just a question, but does anyone here have Xbox live? And if so, what games do you usually play?


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West Coast is so dry. Heat there is so unbareable. Here in the Midwest, our 80 is your 100, though. I just make a point to wear jeans and hoodies and stay in the mall all day. :P



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Actually, Taki, only California is that dry. You should try coming up here to Oregon, or even Washington some time. I mean, heck, it's already going to rain tomorrow, and the coast almost never gets weather without either rain, or clouds.

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Actually, there are a few other dry states around here; Nevada, Arizona...


Also, it's mostly the lower 2/3 of California that are exceptionally hot. That's why I kind of like where I am located here, I am still in driving distance to some snow most parts of the year*.


*Not now. D=

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Well, West Coast states, emphasizing on the "coast," would consist of three states. So you are right, in those aspects. I was just talking about the general area around West.
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