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First Day Back At School

Spoony Bard


So yeah today was the first day of the HCC fall semester. Only had one class today at 11:00 am, so I got to sleep in. ;)


Arrived at the school around 10 and prowled the lot for a parking spot, considering at this time of day, the lots would be full, but I found a spot in one of the lots that is close to the school. My english book didn't come in yet, so I waited in line to get into the bookstore, cuz people are lazy and never got their books either. Turns out my teacher didn't order a book, so that was 15 minutes of precious time lost. Saw some familiar faces from last semester, so I did the "yo whats up blah blah blah how was summer blah blah blah"


Went to my english class. Turns out it is a different teacher than what my schedule said (funny enough, this would be the third time as well, considering I had a different teacher for english previous to the one I had on my schedule). Even though college courses, such as English 102, have the same title, each teacher goes with a "theme" or type of curriculum. In my case, I am learning poetry, fiction, and drama, as opposed to last semester, when it was reading boring historical works.


After that was over, went to the cafeteria to get some foooood, and saw my friend Joffrey in the lounge. Had a nice chat about philosophy and cultures and how they suck nowadays.




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"Went to my english class. Turns out it is a different teacher than what my schedule said"




Same with my English class. WOAH. O_O

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I started school about three weeks ago. It's actually pretty good so far. Particularly Latin (which I took not because I'm interested in the language, but because of the etymological aspects. Speaking of which, did you know that the word "in" is taken directly from Latin?)

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