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A (belated) First Day Account

Soaring Strawberry


A note: From now on, "school" refers to my high school, and "college" refers to college.


This was the most interesting first-day-of-school that I've had in recent memory.


Class #1: Computer Class

We all arrived early or on time, and wouldn't you know it, the professor slipped on the time and was five minutes late! He described the online rescources for his class, the syllabus, and helped us sign up for an account for using the college computer. We finished early, as is tradition at this college for the first day. This made for a very easygoing lunch at B&J, which makes the best BLT in my area.


It's good to be back.


Class #2: Political Science

This class is quite the opposite of the computer class. Where the morning professor is very enthusiastic, the afternoon professor is very softspoken and timid, and is as new to this college as I am. The set of students is also different: half of the second set chatted through out the class. TOV assured me that the talkers will soon be dropped out; but until then... :sarcastic:


We discussed the syllabus (again), but he only mentioned the Internet once. He asked us about what our majors were, and then he asked us about the workings of this college -what office hours he should have, the purpose of giving the students a phone number to contact the teacher, etc. Then, he asked about what kind of major project we should have. What we have to do is a 3-5 page essay with a 2 minute presentation. Before we left at the official ending of the class, he assigned us Congressional Districts to research. I have the 16th. Unfortunately, he never mentioned if we were supposed to study the federal or the state level. If it was the former, I'm already done; if the latter, I'm going to have a late night tonight.


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