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Hahligirl56 = Toa Alta



I have such a craving to see The Land Before Time I again. I like the first five movies. After that...it gets confusing and it's not very entertaining anymore. <_<


Anyway, I think Alta may be my own alter-ego. At least in Fantasy World. People from the Academy RPG are beginning to say, "Hey Alta, whassup?" and etc. I think it's funny, and I like the name too. Cool name. It means Tall and lofty in Latin, while my real name means 'couragous'. Lofty can be of different meanings, of course.


It's a really fun RPG...it's just weird that Zyrul...um...you know. Very weird.


Now the Kin (the good guys) are trying to survive the threats against their lives. We're gonna need good luck finding a plan, although a have a suggestion or two. :happy:


Well, Hahli, Hahligirl, HG, Alta, whatever you call me, I'm really happy to be a major player on that RPG. Then again, a lot of the people who joined are 'major players.' Not all, though. :P


This is such a shorter entry than the others, but I'm too bashful to bring up more stuff. Just talk away!


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*sniff* Your blog gets more comments than mine...j/k. ^_^


Yeah, I just stick with Hahligirl for ya. I don't mind typing it out.


And you just keep calling me Lehvak...<_< even though everyone else calls me LKN...it's ok!


And we're all hoping to be safe in The Academy. Ooh, gotta go check!


Nice to see a reader of my blog, though! I feel so special!!!


Hmm, maybe if I didn't call it A Blog of a Loony, it might get more readers...it's a thought. :P


See you later on The Academy!




EDIT: Whoa, I just realized that we both used the same emoticons in the same order!!! *gasps*


EDIT 2: Oh wait, never mind. Same emoticons, not same order...darn.


EDIT 3: Gave you a rating; might not work.

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Well, actually, "alta" is the feminine singular

nominative form of the adjective "altus-a-um",

meaning "high". You know, as in a high wall?

;) Gotta love the Latin.



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Well, actually, "alta" is the feminine singular

nominative form of the adjective "altus-a-um",

meaning "high". You know, as in a high wall?

;) Gotta love the Latin.



Yeah. I think when I'm in High School or college, I'll study a bit of Latin. I know we had a book about it, but I don't know where it is now.
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I agree, the first few Land before time movies were better, I remember that I was afraid of the first one, but somehow, not of Jurrasic park :D .



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Yeah, I think I was afraid of the first one when I was little. But it's so sweet. My favorite of the Land Before Time movies is the fourth one. :)
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