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Grey Snow


Well this is my first attempt at making a blog.


School has just started and I'm a freshman this year. My new school is pretty good so far, I haven't been late yet even though they excuse you the first week, but the main reason I made this blog is for this purpose. The person I wrote about in my signiture that I want to see again, that I'll protect with my life, left school after spring break last year and I'm not sure where she moved to. There are ten hours in my school, and she's in my third through eigth hour classes, that's an improvement over the three (or four depending if you cound gym one day and study hall the next at the same period as one or two classes) last year, but the problem is she has yet to be here.

I've heard some things, that she's supposed to be here by the end of next week, but then I've heard that she wasn't, I'm hoping the prior is correct. She's the main reason I respect and follow the morals of the knight: honor and chivalry so much. I hope that anyone who reads this will hope for the best for me.


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Welcome to the world of BZP blogging, Koji! Here, take my approval stamp to start you off.


I look forward to seeing your blog updated; it looks great so far.



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