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Horrible Fate

Grey Snow


If you read my last entry then you'd know that I had five or six classes in a row with the girl I wanted to see again. Unfortunatly yesterday in my Biology class that she would have been in, the teacher said she was removed from the seating chart, so she won't be there, I don't expect sympothy, but I continued to pray for months since I'm religious, and now I'm questioning in my prayers, why? Have I not been a worthy enough servent of my master, the Lord?


Edit: I forgot this earlier. I've been working on Barraki Pre-Pit art, my Carapar is the only good one for what I can do. It had some of my heart in it, my other five are horrible for the sole reason that it lacked my heart. They would have been even worse if I worked on them after I found out. They're only early sketches, but still, even though they're only sketches, they're horrible. I can't move on yet in my life because I still keep praying and hoping.


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