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School Sucks...

Wrinkledlion X


Egads, this sucks.


Since I started school a week ago, I've already been getting colossal amounts of homework. On the first weekend of school (Why do we have homework on weekends, anyway?), I received 120 math problems, two essays, 20 health questions, and several worksheets from other classes. I've barely had time to go online, and my epic hasn't been updated for weeks! (I'm working on it now.)


Most of my teachers are either insane or really, really boring. The best new one is probably my English teacher Mrs. Kliewer, who is nice and has a sense of humor, but is quite unstable. She's always moving around and talking extremely quickly. Very hyperactive. I think she's like this because she used to teach in the ghetto and one of her student was killed in a drive-by shooting, and his best friend committed suicide. She's also alluded to other horrible things happening in her past, so I think she's a bit mind-scarred.


My Health teacher Mrs. Lukin is twice as insane. I have Health in place of P.E. for this trimester, but I think I might be more willing to run in the hundred-degree weather outside. She's always babbling on about how you need to be "REALLY HEALTHY!" and she is completely obsessed with health. (She's taught the subject for thirty-five years.) In addition, she always talks about how you shouldn't do drugs or alcohol, which really annoys me. She fails to bring up the fact that its not the substance that's the problem, it's the abuse. Most drugs can save lives in a medical environment, and a glass of wine every day substantially lengthens your life.


Next is Mrs. Black, my Physical Science teacher. I have no idea what's going on with her... I think she's bipolar, or has multiple personalities or something. She's very volatile and frequently shifts between calm and pleasant to angry and vaguely sinister. (I explain this with the fact that her husband is in Iraq, but it's still awfully strange.) To further this, my Life Science teacher last year, Dr. Chavez, has a new classroom next door, and whenever he opens the door to ask her a question, I can hear students laughing and enjoying themselves next door. Such contrast... She does have an incredible memory, though. By the second day of school she had memorized the names of everyone in my class.


Next up is my History teacher, Mrs. Armstrong. She's the most normal of them and she has a sense of humor. I don't know her well enough to give a detailed description, though. She's very normal.


Then we have my Algebra teacher Mrs. Mathews... She's nice, and she teaches the subject very well, but she never jokes around or tells us stories or anything... Just sticks to the math. It gets quite boring and I wind up wanting to go to sleep in her class...


My teacher in Advanced Art, Mrs. Perry, is the same Art teacher I had last year, so nothing new. She's nice though, and I like her. Unfortunately I have her for homeroom, so I'll have to switch homerooms each trimester. Oh, well.



In conclusion: Seventh Grade is better that Eighth Grade.


Recommended Comments

It only keeps getting better. :evilgrin:


maybe you should check what's in the school water. Sounds like you have some odd teachers, for sure. have fun with the homework, and learn the BZP author's theory of homework: the more you have, the more inspiration you'll get to write a story and blow off any studying. :P



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