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Just so people know, every Tuesday and every second weekend I am at my Dad's house and have limited access to the computer :)


Today my friend finally asked out the girl he likes and she said yes, so that was pretty fun :) Other than that I made a plastic Mata Nui stone in Manual Arts :lol: I'm going to my Dad's place for a few hours soon, so not much to say really. I took some pictures of Gadunka, so there will be a review of him tomorrow when I have more time :) I'm not going today after all, but I will be away for a week starting Friday :)


I don't have any box pictures or anything, but I will review him nonetheless :)


(Click Here) Gadunka's Design is not similar to any other set I know of. His torso is made up of several Inika bodies held together (Click Here)and a few plates of armour attached to keep the body stable. His arms are pretty standard, basically Kalmah's arms (Click Here) with Mahri Nui Matoran blades as fingers/claws, which to might delight have excellent mobility :) The squid launcher sit comfortably on his left hand and the two squid ammo are held on hid back (Click Here), again similar to Kalmah. The legs are far apart, but big and sturdy, allowing him to keep his balance. Without the Inika shoulder armour, Gadunka's thighs would look horrible. One thing I also noticed was these little, red two+ (Click Here) rods that sit there uselessly, and considering there is no combiner, I don't know why they're there. Now, I'd say the best part of Gadunka is his awesome head (Click Here). It is pretty cool and for those who still haven't found out yet, his teeth are the same piece as Ehlek's spines and Spinax's back. His tongue is the only odd bit about the head, it's a red Piraka foot (the clawed one), it seems odd that he has a clawed tongue, but it works well with the set. The head is attached to the main body by only two pieces as seen here. Once built Gadunka looks pretty fearsome, especially with a Matoran in his mouth (Click Here):P If he stands up to his full hight, he s actually pretty tall (Click Here). He is fun for posing and playing, though the squids on the back fall off a lot. I recommend Gadunka to anyone that can't decide which titan to get first. He ties with Hydraxon as my favourite set of the year that I have so far :) (Click Here)


PS: I changed my font colour again if you didn't notice :P


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So your parents have separete houses? I will not ask any more for the sake of privacy.


Wow, two "other than that"s in two sentences, used to start both! Grammar lessons, kiddo! :P


(Agh! This new font color is so hard to read... I could change the contrast, but I am too lazy...)



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So your parents have separete houses? I will not ask any more for the sake of privacy.


Wow, two "other than that"s in two sentences, used to start both! Grammar lessons, kiddo! :P


(Agh! This new font color is so hard to read... I could change the contrast, but I am too lazy...)





Other than that I can only say other than that :lol:

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