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You Considered A Geek In Your School?



Yesterday... oh wow... was a mess.


My friend Tom is very honest. He tells me things I should know, especially people talking trash about me. He told how the entire group of Sophomore girls think of me as one word:




This word has haunted me ever since I moved to this town. I admit, I was weird. I still am. But the way they say it sounds like I shouldn't even be within 50 yards of them.


Personally, if they were guys, I'd really want to kick their butts. But only one guy in that group of people (The Model Preps, I call them) is the member of the bike 'gang', King Kong, who I also want to throw into a pit similar to my own.


Tom is constantly asked," Why do you talk to him?"


"Because he's nice and he's my friend..."


He is the only nice one there. He gets it. He doesn't look down on people(well, just stereotypes the geeks), but he looks at me like he looks at the girls, as a friend.


The Model Preps, though, look at me walking by at they would if I was eating worms with ketchup.


I mean, I have one heck of a reputation for the stupid and sketchy, but they never look past that. They should look at themselves.


They do everything together. Piercings, drinking, same clothes, same attitude, same hair style...


Truly, they don't think for themelves. No individual mind. No different opinon. What one thinks, the other has to.


In my mind, thats just... weird.


And one of them has a catch phrase when they see me or a geek:




Now that hurts.


WHen my friend told me this, I was confused. I was angry, but sad I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to destroy a car with my bare hands, but that wouldn't fix a thing.


When I left his house, across from our small town, the quickest way home on foot was through the downtown area, past where they hang out.


I don' know if they saw me, no one said anything about it at school today.


I cried most of the way there. Tears. Eyes near closed, but enough to see the ground.


My eyes still hurt.


I passed by a group as they were sitting on a bench across from the local CVS.


'Somewhere I belong' on my mp3 blocked out anything they had to say. For the better too. I don't know what I'd do if I heard an insult. I probaby looked like I was sleeping or something, mybe they saw the tears. But it doesn't matter, because I don't know if it was them.


I wish we'd move faster. Best chance I got is 'til November.


I wish... just to get rid of their cocky personalites.


'Someday, as we all grow up, we realize that its not the world that doesn't understand you, its you not understanding the world.'


I believe my own quote more than ever now.




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Hiding from reality, pulling away because of pain; it's something we all want or try to do, but we can't. The thing is, we can only hide for so long. Sooner or later, it's either gonna seek us out or we'll have to get out there and tame it. But it's always different, there's no secret to life, no direct map to plot the course. You gotta use your instinct. You have to highten your senses, as if you were living alone in the jungle. And how would you go about that? Being out there in the real world, no matter how much it hurts.



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I might be considered a geek, but probably not as much as a quiet person (and maybe a little odd). Most of the girls at my school are pretty nice, and I've been dating one of them for almost a year (and I have no plans to stop :happydance: ), but if one of them gave me this "Eww get away from me" look, said something nasty to my face, or if I sat down near one and they scooch away with this look of disgust, they get to see one of mankind's most useful fingers.


You shouldn't get too hung up on how people feel or think about you. Focus on the people who don't judge you and will be able to like the real you- true friends.

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Ugh. Last year sucked. I was considered a weird nerd. Because i was random and likes video games and stuff. Over the summer, i decided to be less random, and not show that i like Bionicle and that stuff, and also lie and say i dont like it anymore. My friends consider me a jock, and some consider me a prep, mainly my friend Brandon. Whenever i mention Hollister or something he goes "HAHAH YOU PREP PREP PREP"


If he's trying to insult me, FAIL. He in fact can say no more than 3 words to a girl.

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