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Season 3... <3

Lady Kopaka


Lady K got to watch the new Avatar episode, thanks to TurboNick.


She got popcorn and everything, and forced people not to disturb her during the show.


She ended up, laughing, going tense with suspense, and nearly cried.


She thought it was a really good episode.


She thought the face revealing thing for the Fire lord wasn't as cool as they could do it though. :(




Lady K is a very happy person at the moment. =D She is going to go watch it again.


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I like Avatar...I don't get Nick either, I gotz it off the internet.

You said you watched it on TurboNick...well, um, I'm so stupid that I can't figure out how to run TurboNick. :lookaround:


Could someone please enlighten me? :D




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NP hasn't watched Nick for a very, very long time.


I used to be obsessed with Avatar. What happened that made you nearly cry? What with th fire lord guy? WHAT HAPPENED WITH THAT METEOR?!?!

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Wha? Sora is confused.

Sora remarks that there is no meteor in avatar, only Sozin's comet which powers up fire bending.

Sora is also happy that he saw the new Avatar. Sora liked it when Aang surf.....glided.

Sora wants to thank The Universe!


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Yes, let us all thank the dear Universe! =P


Could someone please enlighten me?

I am almost 100% I can link this here. So go to www.TurboNick.com , then you might have to look around a bit to find it...the site can be a bit confusing, but there should be one with a picture of Aang with hair, and if you put your mouse over it, it should say "The Awakening". Just click that, and you can drag and drop that picture on the main video screen. After some loading, it should work!


Though, you can't do full screen. Which is kind of annoying. =/

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Season 2 only just started here. :(

Phy would look. But...meh, Phy doesn't feel like it. :P

Avatar. Makes other Nick toons look petty. And that's saying quite a bit.



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You watch that? Lol.


Try something more manly, like Doctor Who!


But I've seen it. It's not bad. I jsut don't get Nick. :(


Ummm... you're asking Lady Kopaka to watch something you call "manly." I'm pretty sure that a better adjective exists that doesn't completely invalidate this request. :P


Anyway, glad you liked it! I thought it was really good, too.


Aanchir wonders why Lady K is talking in the third person.

Aanchir didn't realize Nikira's blog was contagious.

Aanchir needs to decontaminate himself if he ever plans to blog in the first person again.

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Lady Kopaka was the first to start the third person fad! :o


Lady Kopaka was? Aanchir is amazed that he didn't discover this before! Aanchir should know better, having read Lady K's blog from start to finish so many times!


Perhaps Aanchir needs to read it again...

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Necro saw it on tv, but got three hours of sleep the previous night and caught it on the west coast channel at 11, and remembers nothing besides Aang has hair.


Necro should do what Lady K did and use the powers of the internet to watch it online.


Necro got more sleep the next night and saw an ad during a football game for a parody of Star Wars on show "Family Guy".


Necro decided to give the show a chance and watch it.


Necro used the advised viewer digression.


Necro thoroughly enjoyed it, and couldn't breathe during the Doctor Who reference.


Necro also wishes to slap his friend who has fallen into the gender switch fad. :P

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering remembers that it was indeed Lady Kopaka that started the "talk about one's self in the third person" fad.


Kopaka's Ice Engineering will now attempt to find the entry in which Lady Kopaka first referred to Lady Kopaka in the third person. Kopaka's Ice Engineering knows that Kopaka's Ice Engineering commented in the same entry, so the task Kopaka's Ice Engineering just gave to Kopaka's Ice Engineering shouldn't be that difficult.






Kopaka's Ice Engineering is editing Kopaka's Ice Engineering's original reply: Kopaka's Ice Engineering found Lady Kopaka's blog entry from roughly 53 weeks ago, when Lady Kopaka started the "talk about one's self in the third person" fad. Kopaka's Ice Engineering is linking the relevant entry here.

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Lady K thanks KIE for going through that trouble.


Lady thinks that is a long time ago. Oo


And Lady K also gets terribly confused and tired of reading Kopaka's Ice Engineering name...10 times. XD

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Lady K thanks KIE for going through that trouble.


Lady thinks that is a long time ago. Oo


And Lady K also gets terribly confused and tired of reading Kopaka's Ice Engineering name...10 times. XD


Aanchir: Rachira of Time concurs. Aanchir: Rachira of Time thinks Lady Kopaka is probably glad Aanchir: Rachira of Time didn't write Aanchir: Rachira of Time's name as Aanchir: Rachira of Time in Aanchir: Rachira of Time's previous post. Aanchir: Rachira of Time also thinks Lady Kopaka is grateful that Aanchir: Rachira of Time did not write Aanchir: Rachira of Time's name in Aanchir: Rachira of Time's post when a pronoun would have made everything easier to read.


Aanchir: Rachira of Time apologizes for signing Aanchir: Rachira of Time's name in this post so many times as Aanchir: Rachira of Time rather than Aanchir.


Aanchir needs to get back to work. :lookaround:

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Nikira's brain hurts after reading the last four posts. :wacko:


Nikira also loved the chibi short at the end of the episode. Nikira squealed. X3



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Lady Kopaka was the first to start the third person fad! :o

Banjon Wildlough wonders what third-person is. :P

Banjon Wildlough don't know what Avatar is.

Banjon Wildlough likes cookies.



~Banjon Wildlough~

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