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Why Icarly Is Doomed



Yes, you heard me. The show is going to crash and burn soon. For, on the surface, it appears a legitimate, unique concept for a children's entertainment program. But its interactive factor is the key to its downfall. Nickelodeon has seen a drop in quality over the years, and when you combine that with an attempt to cash in on what were once underground, cool trends on the Internet, you can see a disaster waiting to happen. More traditional media is trying to subjugate new media formats, trying to bring them into their fold for new commercialization. For, you see, since iCarly depends on user-submitted content, which is then integrated into its trendy 'iCulture' theme, it will slip up. Despite all the legal forms and all the failsafes, and all the precautions, and all the double-checkers in the world, somebody will submit a video that is not their own, or something that copies an original (or worse yet, copyrighted work), and it will air on Nickelodeon. Youth, being drawn to the show because it imitates the home-grown productions one can find online, will notice, and then older people will notice, and it is likely that a lot of these older people will be people with technology blogs or something like that, who are watching the show to observe Nickelodeon's attempts at cashing in on online film stuff. They will post about it, and the news will get a hold on it. A media blitz will ensue. Nickelodeon will be brutalized with bad publicity. The show will come under scrutiny, and then demands for its cancellation. Miranda Cosgrove, the girl playing Carly, will have her reputation ruined. Lives will fall apart and lawsuits will ensue. You see? It's all too easy for somebody to use software to just rip an online video, and then pass it off as their own.


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Yeah reminds me of the time when people made up stupid rumors spongebob was canceled because some kid drowned looking for him. Ive seen a commercial. But I dont really watch niclelodeon anymore.

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I will just say what you said in a simpler term so people can understand it. So edit it your post and say mine is simpler. Ok?



He means Icarly need videos by people. Say Conny Watkins makes a video and puts it on a site of her doing saying Hi in every language known language. Now Boyor sees that video and emails to Icarly but takes credit for it. Conny thinks that iCarly saw her video and took it without her permission.(Her video is copyrightet to her) They sue, iCarly loses and the show is cancelled.




hi ppl I remember that story lol. Not on the kid drowning but on the fact that spongebob was thought to be cancelled but what 7 years laters it is still running, yah those rumors are true. LOL.

One thing to remember Rumors are Rumors not truth but not lies either.

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They all fail...they all crash and burn...still, it's always predictable, such as an old series of "original" nickelodeon shows, whatever they were, the network entitled premier sledding things, that every weekend they would clump together premiers of new episodes of certain shows, and at times films, which would be featured by some temprorary teen star, as well as online video blogging kids sending a video link to the show and doing...something, participating in competitions and what not, which was quickly ended, possibly of knowing this. However, if the above is true what 'bout that giant colection of online voting and video blogging thingamajigs, what was it called...

the fuzz? Yeah, that thing directTV has, what of that?

I mean, that is entirely based on it, that's what it's entire purpose is, will thusly that crash and burn as well?

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I only watch Nick anymore if Danny Phantom, The Fairly Odd Parents, or for Rosanne on Nick at Night...


I agree with Gman. This show will fail faster than Milli Vanilli's career...

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And another show pops out of the Nickelodeon failure machine....

Yet, sometimes there are malfunctions, and good shows are made, like Avatar.


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all shows on Nickelodeon now that are released are terrible, because its mostly about trends these days.they think that when somethings cool, they say,"hey lets make a show about blah blah blah.....".and they think its going to succeed, when the trend lasts only for 2 or more years, then it falls.now, on every kid channel, ###### shows are being brought up because its mostly about a trend. and those shows will never last long, and it will be a HUGE waste of money for them, and some kids will probably be brainwashed because of it, and most of the shows are all happy-dancing-'oh everything is great' feeling, when things in real life aren't.thats why i only watch the history channel, or something else. everything else on kid channels will most likely be a HUGE downfall.

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Slippery slope is generally not a viable thing to use as an argument for why one think something is bad (or will fail), and this is no exception. I'm not saying the show will last long, but you've started with one thing and just kept descending into a negative possibility. :psychotwitch:


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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...I was outlining the risks Nickelodeon is taking with the show... Look, if you don't like pessimism, don't read my blog, then.


Oh, and "kept descended"?

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