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Reminiscing And Dedications



I'm in an artistic mood, which is good. I made a MOC this morning - nothing too special, but I like it. I wasted the rest of the day looking through the films I've made, and sorting out photos. Aren't photos wonderful? So many memories, and I'd like to share some of them with you.


My old best friend was called Chris. He's a few months younger than me, and I'm proud that we once called each other 'brother', just like Toa. I first met him on my first day of school ever, and we clicked instantly. We were perfect friends; we liked exactly the same things, and more importantly, each other. We would ache through weekends waiting impatiently to get back to school to see each other again. Holidays were awful, but when we got back we would spend hours every day telling each other about everything that had happened in the other's absense. We had the occassional upset, but it never lasted more than a day, and then we'd be the best of friends again like nothing had ever happened. And yes, he was a huge Lego fan too. I remember bringing my early MOCs to school, just to show him. :P Everything was perfect, until I left that school. He was in the year below me, so he had to cope without me. And he didn't. He never really had any other friends at school, because he had me. He was devasted when I was gone, for a whole year, waiting until he could go to secondary school and be with me again. But he went to a different secondary school. Of course, best friends wouldn't lose contact so easily. I still saw him every week at Cub Scouts, and that hour a week was all we looked forward to. But then his sister became really ill, and his mother wasn't able to take him to Cubs anymore, as she had to look after his sister. So, gradually, the years passed and we lost contact. It's been nearly eight years now, and we haven't seen each other at all. :( I don't know what's happened to him, or his sister. I just hope he's ok, and doing well in life. That's why my first novel is dedicated to him, a lost friend. My brother.


Secondly, my friend Kayleigh. I've known her since primary school as well, but we were never really friends. We didn't dislike each other, we just never really spoke to each other. Then, about a year ago, she found my MSN address, and we've talked practically every night since. We've been out together, had meals together, she's been round my house. She's a great girl, even though I never noticed at primary school so many years ago. I'd go as far to say that I love her, though not romantically of course - most of you know where I stand there. ;) She's the person I can talk to about anything - and I mean, literally anything. You don't want to know some of the things we've ended up talking about. :rolleyes: So that's why my second novel is dedicated to her, for her always being there to talk to.


Finally, 'M'. What can I say - I love him more than anyone, though I have to accept that he doesn't love me back. He's perfectly aware that I love him, and most of my friends know too. We're still great friends, and he's been a great support for me through difficult times, and I'd like to hope I've helped him too. We don't see each other anywhere near as often as we'd like, now that we have no lessons together at school, so we pretty much only see each other at break times. But then it's always fun, even if we're just playing our custom 'I Spy' game which is a lot more hilarious than you'd ever expect. One of the things I love the most about him is the way he brings the best in me - he's made me overcome my shyness and do things I'd never have done before. And he's also helping me rediscover my lost talents as an actor, which I'm eternally grateful for. :lol: And that's why my third novel is dedicated to him, for his kindness and my unrequited love.




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Unrequited love... boy, do I know what that feels like. And as of yet, that seems unlikely to change for me. But I persist, as Lemony and Cyrano did, until and unless fate through my actions determines that I am indeed worthy.


I wish I could write a book... :(

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Ah...The same thing happened to me and my friend -Blank-.

We were best friends for a long time, talked all the time, shared the same hobbies and stuff like that. We were extremely close. His mother was even my brother's god-mother....

Then, his mom and dad got a divorce, his mom decided she didn't want to see our family at all anymore and cut off all contact.

A few years later, his dad and my dad decided to get us both together and hang out again....it felt really awkward......We didn't talk much...the whole meeting was a horrid failure. I guess we changed alot in that time we didn't see eachother, and I haven't seen him since.



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Friends are good to have. I used to have one just like Chris, even after he moved halfway across the county, we still called each other up at least once a weekend talked. During one of our chats he told me that his family was moving again. That was the last I ever heard from him for about four years. When we finally found each other, it was awkward, dunno why, I guess too many things had changed and too much time had passed. Oh well.

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Just be grateful you have 'M' for you.I don`t even have real friends in my class,they`re just people whom I call 'Acquaintances'.As long as I draw,as long as I do things that please them,I`m their friend.But deep inside me,I know I`m just a nobody,an entity that fills up a seat,someone who people don`t care about.All my real friends left me.



Wow!I think I there`s a book somewhere in this post!

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Aww, how sweet, a serious Seran!



I'd go as far to say that I love her, though not romantically of course - most of you know where I stand there.


Didn't get that though. Wait, erm, what? Oh, I think I get it... Do I? I'm confused...


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Aww, how sweet, a serious Seran!



I'd go as far to say that I love her, though not romantically of course - most of you know where I stand there.


Didn't get that though. Wait, erm, what? Oh, I think I get it... Do I? I'm confused...


How can I put this...I love her, but not as a girlfriend. I'd prefer a boyfriend.


Better now?



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