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A Competition Of Sorts Updated



The first person to tell me what this is wins 100 Authentic Magical Points (gasp):




And no, don't try and be clever and say 'it's a gif image' or similar stuff. That will not earn you points.


There are three answers that I will accept, so in theory, you can win up to 300 Points! Wow!


UPDATE: Kopakalaka wins 200 Points. However, there is still a second answer, that's still worth Points.




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Judging from what appears to be a cutting edge,I'de say it's some sort of throwing weapon or a special type of puchdagger.Though I can see that last one to be seriously bad for the fingers if used for actual fighting,you'le end up damaging your fingers more then whatever you're trying to cut if you aren't using special gloves.

If it's not that it's a special rollete wich is used to keep mechanical parts on a specific place on an axis for some machine.


Quick question:Is this a quiz or are you trying to get us to tell you what it is?:P


No, I do know the answer. :rolleyes:



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A rasp or some kind of cutting device.

At least,am I right that it has a cutting edge on the top and maybe inside the circles?


No. As I've said before, either you know or you don't. You won't be able to guess.



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Well, my guess would be a guitar pick. I doubt I'm right, since everybody else seems to be wrong. ^_^


Ooh, nice guess.


Totally wrong though.



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After looking at Czar's profile,I'm gonna say it's a training weight or at least a component for a weight.

You ought to be able to guess.


You said you couldn't guess it.:P

Silly seran.


Ok, yes. Silly Seran. I'll rephrase it...CzaR ought to know what it is. But apparently not. -S

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It looks like a wind for a wind-up-toy. You know, the thing that stick out from the back, and lets you wind the thing.


'Nother idea. It's Majora's Heart.




Congratulations, you got 200 Magical Points. The final 100 are still waiting to be earned - there's another answer.




I don't know what to say... Oh wow... Thanks to everyone! I thought I'd give you a present in return.-k-_approval.png

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This is lame, but almost everything I could think of was takin.


A container that holds the three primary colors. I know you like your art, and it's close to yor heart. He he, that rhymes. :P

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Heres a random guess. Its a drawing you did on Majora's heart?


It is indeed part of 'Majora's Heart', but that answer has already been taken.


Tell me what inspired it though, and win Points.




It that what you imagine your heart as? With the business of friends, 'M' and other things


Brilliant guess, but no. Completely wrong. -S

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Might I surmise a guess as to Bleach? Y'know, with the Hollows and everything?


Edit: I'll post in red. Just for you.


You might, but it's wrong. -S

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It's majora's mask, sans the spikes and eyes.


Nope. Majora's Mask has lovely colourful patterns all over it, this does not. -S


Well, it's definately something Majora-themed. It's a metal replica. xD


No it's not. It is something Majora-themed though. -S

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