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Kingdom Hearts



I am loving the new info that's been revealed. The screenshots of 358/2 Days (DS) look GREAT. I seriously can't wait for this game.

Hopefully it won't turn out to suck.I plan to pre-order it with whoever has the best free thing. I might even go to a midnight launch, if they have one anywhere near me. XD


Birth By Sleep looks good too. From what i've heard, it's likely coming out first.

I'm planning to get a PSP, and when i do, this game will be the one i want the most on it. If when i found that $50 PSP at a discount store i knew about this, i would have tried to get it, but no, i had to get the boring POTC3 for the DS. >.<


Onto Coded. This looks like it will be something i'll play when i'm bored, or if i'd be at a store with nothing to do. But it has to be released in America. I am not wasting my time and money importing a japanese phone that is compatiable with the game. I hope it's on Verizon Phones in America. And if it's on the iPhone, i might just say "ah, forget coded". I am NOT getting an iPhone after seeing what the bills look like.


Onto released KH games, I am trying to get a PS2 so i can play KH1 and KH2. I am struggling to fight Maleficent in CoM. I always lose because of her green fire stuff. D:


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Interviewer: The gane is played on a horizontal screen, even though the game is for mobile phones, why is this?"

Nomura: This is not just the length screen but also a model screen specification for the most recent cellphones. It is what we assume the game to look like when it's released to the public. The method for the horizontal screen has already been talked about, it is a basic horizontal screen size.


Interviewer: Are the graphics 3D or 2D?

Nomura: The background is 3D, and the characters are 2D. The development of this game is still in progress, and we plan to have the game both 3D and 2D. The reason is so that we can have the game available to a range of cellphones. The reason we developed this idea is because we wish to send this game overseas.


Interviewer: How exactly will the game be executed?

Nomura: Unlike larger games in development, we always thought the world of Kingdom Hearts could be made mobile. For instance, there is a huge amusement park, and the main attraction is KHc (Kingdom Hearts Coded). It can be like an entrance to an amusement park, free of charge, allowing you to visit each world. That is the delivery plan of KHc. We plan on taking full advantage for the mobile phone.


Interviewer: Will the storyline be based on Sora's adventures in Kingdom Hearts?

Nomura: The timeline is based after Kingdom Hearts II. Jiminy is analyzing his journal through a computer simulation, and the adventure will take place in that. Therefore the player is not playing as Sora himself, but Data of Sora. The world that was shown was a stage, though this was through the time of COM, and re:COM over the memory of Sora.


Interviewer: What gameplay elements are there?

Nomura: This is going to be a puzzle game, mixed with action. After analyzing Jiminy's Journal, many bugs are found. The area (worlds? levels?) must be analyzed in order to find the bug that is violating the data, and then you need to remove the bug. However some (levels?) may get a bit more confusing as there will be ladders Sora will use to get to higher areas.


Interviewer: When do you think this game will be released?

Nomura: You may have to wait a while, as there are still some problems with the specs of cellphones for now. (Meaning, at this time, cellphones cannot handle these graphics.) However we are not asking you to wait for 2, or 3 years. (Possibly this means around a year or so)


Interviewer: Will these works be connected with the "New" Kingdom Hearts game?

Nomura: KHc features Sora. However, the DS and PSP are both completely different stories, though I cannot say what they are yet. I can say these titles are not the last of the series, and all three will connect to a New Kingdom Hearts Game sooner or later.

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am struggling to fight Maleficent in CoM. I always lose because of her green fire stuff. D:
Wait till you fight final Riku. >:]
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For the record, if you imported a Japanese phone, it wouldn't work here since you need -their- service.


And I still doubt its release in America. Squeenix doesn't release their mobile games here. :P

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