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Lime Joints



I had heard they break easily, so when I got Hahli, and later Lesovikk, I was careful when putting them together. Nothing went crack. I was also careful not to remove the joints after that.


Until one day.


Without thinking, I had Carapar cut Hahli's head off. After the battle, I realized with dread what I had done. I took the Faxon-wearing head in one hand, and Hahli's body in the other. When trying to connect the two, my hand slipped because I was putting the pressure in the wrong place or something. It was the sort of slipping action that usually precedes the breaking of a joint.


But this was no ordinary break through the thin part of the join like usual. This had cracked in the middle of the hand piece's curve, and the crack continued all the way through one of the sideways + holes. Hahli's head was basically limp, as opposed to the slight looseness of the other sort of breaks. A replacement was needed. So, knowing the danger, I took off the hand that Lesovikk doesn't need to use and replaced it with Hahli's neck. When I put Hahli's head in her new neck, it was discovered cracked in the same way, though I felt none of the pressure or slipping. I didn't even hear breaking.


Hahli's permanently decapitated until I can come up with a replacement. Maybe grab a dark blue piece from her MOLtoran or Gaaki.


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The same thing happened to me too. >_<


With both Hahli and Lesovikk...


On both of their long double socket leg joints...


I was fine with Ehlek (I think...), but with these, the pieces just snapped so easily. And I was still being more cautious than with any of my other pieces - I'm quite surprised no other pieces have broken taking into consideration I'm not always too gentle with them.

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Kharu-Kai: I considered using Ehlek joints, but I was afraid that they might break as well.


Kopakalaka: Yeah, I may have to end up doing that as well.


ET: Ouch. Those are harder to replace than hand sockets. A socket breaks on almost every set I own, but it's just the small crack on the thin part of the socket (and only one side) as I described, not like this. They're usually still usable after they break.

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While you wait for replacements, a suggestion. If you have Keelerak or the lime green Nui Rama, their are a couple of those pieces on them. You could those as replacements for the time being.

*sigh* Floppy Lesovikk...



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Hmm, My ehlek is just fine. I'm just lucky :P oh, BTW, can I use your 1=2 thing to confuse my friends?


Edit: Gah, a day after I posted this, a lime green piece broke :(

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Kharu-Kai: I considered using Ehlek joints, but I was afraid that they might break as well.

As well you should. I've had one of my Ehlek Metru-upper-knee-joint-things break in the standard way on both sides.



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